Tables of data on the net?


Im pretty new to trading and would like some advice on acquiring the information I need. I am fairly naive on this subject so I apologise if this is a stupid question.

At present I am using the "Industry Sectors" listings provided by the "London Share Service" in the "Money and Bussiness" Section of the Financial times, searching through for values that take my fancy (then looking up further details on comdirect). It would save me a great deal of time if I could find the same information on the net (all listed on one page). I could then move the information into Excel and get the computer to search for particular values for me. 😀

I`m mainly interested in price, yield, P/E, EPS, Div, H/L and bid/sell values. If I find a site with all these values, fairly regularly updated for all the UK companies (as listed in the FT) in TABLE form my problems would be solved. I know this sounds like a lot but surely there must be a lot of others who require the same thing. 😕

Any ideas?
edrookie said:
Im pretty new to trading and would like some advice on acquiring the information I need. I am fairly naive on this subject so I apologise if this is a stupid question.

At present I am using the "Industry Sectors" listings provided by the "London Share Service" in the "Money and Bussiness" Section of the Financial times, searching through for values that take my fancy (then looking up further details on comdirect). It would save me a great deal of time if I could find the same information on the net (all listed on one page). I could then move the information into Excel and get the computer to search for particular values for me. 😀

I`m mainly interested in price, yield, P/E, EPS, Div, H/L and bid/sell values. If I find a site with all these values, fairly regularly updated for all the UK companies (as listed in the FT) in TABLE form my problems would be solved. I know this sounds like a lot but surely there must be a lot of others who require the same thing. 😕

Any ideas?

have you looked at the software, ShareScope? For about £14 per month you get lost of charts and fundamental data, with the ability to do complicated screening (for fundamentals).

You can get a 1 month free trail, then the monthly subscriptin id for the data. the software sits on your PC.

You may feel that most of the data is freely available on the net and I suppose it probably is, though very fragmented. But the speed at which you can access this through SS is superb - you wont match it even with broadband. In my opinion, the £14 PM should be easily recoverd with better investment decision. And in any case, if you don't like it, don't subscribe after the trial.

All the best.


PS - all the data is easily exported to excel for any minipulation you require, but the built in screeners will more then do the job of screeining alone.