T2W Reviews - what would motivate you to write 'em?


Legendary member
Suggestions please!
What could be done to encourage you to write reviews?

I'm sure there will be a few amusing / lulzy suggestions - which is fine - but please include some actionable ideas as well!

Tim, I used to pay journos 300 quid for 300 words..and that was a few years back and they were doing me a favour with their rate. So you either pay, or get some vain glorious vendor beaut (with an agenda) to do it for nowt.
Sadly, black Swans right.

If I where T2W management, I'd register a few multinicks and get the staff to write em. The opinions of the T2W staff are no better or no worse than 99.99% of the membership, and probably better than 99.99% of people writing either for payment, and better than 99.99% of vendors.

At least that way you'd control the quality, and the schedule.

There are also issues of copyright you guys need to sort out. Noone with anything sensible to say is going to hand over IP to sharkys evil empire without either adequate financial compensation (and even then, you'll only get the dregs that noone else wants). Alternativey you have to give participants the ability to remove their content if and when they wish to do so. Experience has shown that T2W simply cannot be trusted to act with integrity, and until those issue are addressed, noone in their right mind is ever going to post anything of a decent quailty (with perhaps the exception of T2W staff).

Do people actually read articles and reviews ? (I assume they must, otherwise you wouldnt be looking for more of em !)
Just make it a competition. People here are naturally competitive, and when you had competitions (christmas/new year time) there were some very good submissions. I can't remember what the prizes were, an ipad for one I think.