T2W Members' Choice Awards 2008 - The Results & Prize Winner

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The results of the T2W MCA Awards 2008 are now live here:
2008 Members Choice Awards

The winner of the iPod Touch is... mstrathern - well done! Prize details have been sent to you by PM. :clap:

Thanks to everyone that participated!
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congrats mstrathern on your prize. 👍

while luck is on your side, you might as well buy a lottery ticket this week.
you never know ......

congrats also to trader_dante and bnaimy, who have won in more than section.
Well I just got the iPod and its great!

Why do I keep coming back and why don't I post - well I don't trade in the sense that most people here use the term. I have traded but never managed to do it succesfully. Over the years I've dabbled in commodity futures, traded options (european), spread bets, CFDs - about the only things I havn't tried are warrants and binary bets.

I've never got the hang of technical analysis. I just don't seem to have the feel for it, and short term trading just makes me panic. What I do is follow more fundamental methods, some quite mechanical. I started off many years ago using a method based on a long term successful methodology that the Investors Chronicle used to publish built around high yields. Now I have a method based around P/Es and ROCE, coupled with moving averages, Coppock and a double stop get out.

This is why I don't post, I don't have a feel for shorter term trading, so I think I would probably only mislead and there is enough that around already, even here. But I come here on and off to to learn and pick up useful tips. If you think that anyone would be interested my methodologies I'd be only to happy to post them, but I'm not sure what would be a suitable forum.


Oh my god. You've been lurking here for over FOUR YEARS? Can I just ask - what on earth keeps you coming back? Seriously. If you're genuinely lurking and reading for this long it must mean you have an interest in either i) Trading or ii) Online soap operas (or, like many here, a bit of both). That I can understand, but the fact that you have only posted twice (and one post was today) in all that time just staggers me. Has there been NOTHING you have wanted to add to any debate? I can't believe you always get beaten to the punch.

Out of interest do you trade? If so what / how? Is tehre one particular part of the site that you lurk on, or do you just dip in and out.

Genuinely interested in the answer.

Personally Mark I think that if you are trading in a way that is both longer term AND fundamentally driven then you have much to offer. If I read one more thread with the word 'scalping' in the title I think I'm going to puke.
Post away mate
From the little you've said Mark, it sounds like you'd make both interesting and valuable posts, which the forum so desperately needs. Quality contributions tend to get lost in the quagmire of brown sticky stuff which is engulfing T2W faster than HIV, STD's and unwanted pregnancies engulf impoverished catholic communities. So, join the good fight and get posting!