T2W Member Demographics


The world's first "trader locator" has been an incredible success with over 500 UK traders now listed.

With all this information stored privately and securely on our servers, we thought it would be interesting to find out just where are members come from. So we've created this dynamically generated image of the UK broken down into postal regions, and using a heatmap to show where the highest concentration of our members are. It's built on the fly, so as more members register for the service the map will automatically update. Take a look for yourself below >>

And remember if you haven't already registered you can do so now here http://www.trade2win.co.uk/locator/ - all information is kept private, but if you're still unsure, then how about just adding the first part of your post code - we won't be able to locate you as accurately though.

Eventually we'd like to incorporate the map when update this section of the site. So please tell us if there are any other ways you can think of improving it.

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