T2W Forex Contest: Jan, 2012 - Win an iPod Nano

T2W Bot

Staff member
What better way to start the new year than with Apple's latest iPod Nano. Not only does it give you 24 hours of nonstop music with a gorgeous, multi-touch display, but it's designed to be your new personal fitness trainer - and who doesn't need a workout after the holiday binge?!

How to enter

Entry is free and takes just a couple of minutes. First, sign up on ForexDesk, using the invitation code "T2WCOMP" and your T2W username. Once you're activated your account, log in and create a new practice account using the default settings. You can call it whatever you like but you must add "#T2W-JAN12" to the name, to enter the new contest. Then make at least one trade during the duration of the competition to qualify for the prize.

More detailed instructions on the Contest information page.


- Contest started on Sunday 1st January 2012 22:00 UTC
- Contest finishes on Friday 27th January 2012 22:00 UTC
- Enter any time before the contest finishes.
- The winner will be judged by their P&L for the duration of the contest.
- Accounts must remain public (not private) for the duration of the contest.
- Mirroring of trades to retain first position lead is disallowed and may result in disqualification.
- To qualify for the prize contestants must open at least one position.
- Only entry per person


- Top Trader (Highest P&L)

The prize for this contest is an iPod Nano.

Remember to add "#T2W-JAN12" to the account name.

Good Trading all!
Correct.. if you're already entered into the contest you'll go direct to the page, if not, you just need to click the 'View Progress' button which takes you to this page: Forex Contests - are you having problems viewing it?
Correct.. if you're already entered into the contest you'll go direct to the page, if not, you just need to click the 'View Progress' button which takes you to this page: Forex Contests - are you having problems viewing it?

It didn't show anything earlier but does now on a different computer. Only problem now is that I can't get Forexdesk to work and my account isn't showing in the list. Do I have the wrong name format?
Yeah the name of your account needs to include the phrase, as indicated eg. #T2W-JAN12

You had it as TW2-JAN12. I've changed it for you and you're now showing up on the leaderboard here: Forex Contests in 5th place. Nice work!
Yeah the name of your account needs to include the phrase, as indicated eg. #T2W-JAN12

You had it as TW2-JAN12. I've changed it for you and you're now showing up on the leaderboard here: Forex Contests in 5th place. Nice work!

Thanks. Forexdesk still only seems to work on some computers, for some reason.
Well that's me out of this comp for this month, was hoping for a giant slide today but most of the trades are going the other way. Is there going to be one for Feb....(sorry if I am being a bit quick off the mark) Enjoyed being part of the competition and now identified where I went wrong,how and what I must do better next time.
So, as it appears madaba had two accounts in the contest under different usernames which is against the rules of the contest. In this case we've decided to award the prize to the second place instead: ketantendulkar - congratulations ketantendulkar! You can view his winning account with a profit of $24,430 here: https://www.forexdesk.com/traders/ketantendulkar/accounts/1162 and the full results of the contest: http://www.trade2win.com/forex-contests/8

Please be aware only one entry per person to the contest is allowed (any suspicion of multiple accounts will result in immediate disqualification - it's a player's responsibility to inform us at the earliest opportunity, and certainly before the completion of the contest, if there's a reason why it may appear the player has multiple accounts).
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