T2W £250 Cash Back Offer + Win an African Safari


We've teamed up with Global Trader (GT) to offer a very special exclusive promotion to T2W Members.

Essentially it's a spread trading competition for T2W members that runs throughout the month of September.

The winner of the competition with the most profit in % terms (so it doesn't matter how big your account size is), will win a £2500 African Safari!

Furthermore GT promise to refund up to £250 in losses of client-owned funds during this period!

You just need to open a live spread trading account by the 7th Sept (extended by 1 week) and and there's no minimum opening account size.

So potentially you have nothing to lose and an African Safari to win, and you'll be competing against other T2W members for the prize.

Read more about the promotion here (inc. full terms and conditions):

Register for the promotion here:

Remember you only have one week to open your account.
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Best plan might be to deposit £250 and take a crazy gamble in the hope of winning the compo in % terms. £10 per point with a 25 pip stop on the Euro just before NFP or something. Could be good for 400%. If one loses, it looks like (s)he can enjoy a full refund, empty the account and never darken their door again. Sounds tempting.

The African Safari consists of a maximum cost of £2500.00. The winner may elect how he or she wishes to apportion such funds and the amount of people who will avail of same; provided, however, that all funds are put towards airfare, accommodation and safari lodge rates only.

There I was hoping it consisted of a safari in Africa. Ignoring that, if one wins, there appears to be nothing in the T & C that actually forces one to take said safari in Africa. A plane to Bequia it is then. We can call it an Afro-Caribbean beach safari for the publicity photo.

Also, "amount" of people? I'm thinking around 120kg if I take the wife. Perhaps we should avail ourselves of the five items or less till in the airport while we're at it. 🙂
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It's a win-win situation, I think it must rank as one of the best offers we've negotiated on T2W!
Juat a quick reminder that today is the last day for entering the tournament, and qualifying for £250 cash back on losses. So if you haven't already registered for the promotion, now's the time to do it!
Trading2win? dont touch this firm- fat spreads- view of FX.

hmm my post re gloabl trader vanished so the thread.... what I said was I wondered if it was Marvins idea for the safari, when he worked for them..... they might boast the fastest dealing platform ? any evidence to support this claim ? but they quote Fat spreads. 6 on the Eur/USD not surprised they will deal quickly .

So its no surprise they need to offer safaris in my view to attract punters.

But this is Trade2Win right ? so on that basis, my view stands at dont touch with a barge pole.


tight spreads or a fast platform? dont you get it guys, you insist on both for yourself as an absolute min. standard. that fits it with the purpose of this sites name Trade2win.

hows that billy boy........ yeah, yeah, yeahhhh...


Regardless of how they compare to other brokers, as a competition with the chance to win a holiday and losses up to £250 paid back I think it's a pretty good deal!
Safari's ? whose feeding who to the lions?

Sharky said:
Regardless of how they compare to other brokers, as a competition with the chance to win a holiday and losses up to £250 paid back I think it's a pretty good deal!

I think it sux very big things , this is Trade2win is it not? and you encourage people wasting a month of their time to have the chance of winning a safari . I can see why the focus group is required , Again if people are Trading2win, they do not, I suggest waste a month of their time and pay fat spreads for a "chance" to "win" a holiday.

Their might be nice kickbacks in the offering i'm sure but its not worth "clients" time , risk ,in my view.

if traders want competitions to win holidays, bicycles , toasters and a new greenhouse im sure there must be better options ,

hmm doesnt dukascopy do a regular monthly traders comp every month where you can win a $1000.00 by trading on a demo account with no need to stump up cash before? seems better if traders feel the need for a comp type thing. I think is a better deal

Avoid Global Trader in my view.

I think you are being a little harsh fxmarkets. As I understand it a deposit of up to £250 will be paid back in full if it is lost. The winner is decided on a percentage basis therefore there is no point in depositing more than this. Thus there is no risk whatsoever, provided a guaranteed stop is used at all times. As for "fat spreads", everyone who enters the compo will pay the same spread so it wouldn't matter if they were 40 pips wide. The only cost is one of time and it is up to the individual to decide whether it is a waste of theirs to make a handful of trades for free in return for the chance of winning a holiday.

Those people who are 'brave' enough to keep their account open after the end of the competition and use it for real ... well, you can guess my view on that and I imagine it would concur with yours. But slating the competition alone seems, well, a bit miserable really. That said I hope everyone feels the same way as you do and thus as the sole entrant I win the chance to be mauled by cheetahs in my sleep with a single perfunctory trade. 😀
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I'm inclined to agree with fxmarkets. His analysis of the risk reward is rather more respectable than "T2W Team". A month on another platform sounds hairy, unlikely to win and not something you should jump in to. Small steps, slowly, slowly not = "yipee safari time". Where's the wisdom?

Trading is not for fun, I have fun elsewhere.
The chance of winning the safari (the reward) is unknown as we don't know how many have entered or how good they are. But yes, it is likely to be small.

I suppose the risk (or cost) is equal to potential earnings lost elsewhere while trading for the safari. Thus I agree the time spent doing this should be kept to a minimum.

Nobody's suggesting spending an intense month on another platform. That would imho be taking what is essentially a free game a mite too seriously. :cheesy: I was thinking maybe five trades at most. Like you, I would not let my participation in it affect my real trading at all.

So the best thing to do may indeed be to jump in and take a gamble. People who win the T2W share competition do exactly that because it is free to enter and the biggest chance of winning comes from gambling with fast moving penny stocks, not trading Vodafone with infinite care and precision.

Why not bung the lot on NFP tomorrow. Small steps, slowly slowly is how I trade for real. This is pure, free* fun. Well, not that fun I admit, but hey it probably beats a slap in the face from Ann Coulter.

*okay minus the 83p interest lost on lending them £250 for a month 🙂
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is it Legal? this AD. enticing people to gamble...

I thought there are strict laws in this country regarding enticing people to gamble by offering free prizes etc . Not only that but people who enter are paying for this one and are liable for their losses exceeding £250.00 , say the market gaps 200 and jonnies punted £5.00 .
Excellent point about the dreaded gap fxmarkets. But as they say they will not offer credit under any circumstances presumably they must provide some sort of sontrolled risk bet with a guaranteed stop to avoid this happening? Certainly worth checking and if they don't then one could indeed end up in trouble. Thanks for the heads up. *feels sheepish* 😱

Edit: According to their brochure they do indeed offer guaranteed stops in return for a wider spread.

So a warning: Anyone who enters this competition is strongly recommended to use a guaranteed stop on every trade otherwise their liabilities may exceed their initial deposit.
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From the Government Gambling Commission -

Prize competitions are competitions in which success depends to a substantial degree on the exercise of skill. If a competition does not involve skill it may be considered a lottery and could be unlawful. Competitions requiring the exercise of skill may involve the answering of questions, solving puzzles, tie-breakers etc.

If no skill is involved then the competition is deemed to be a lottery and the rules are more stringent.

More here -

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Yes, OK, fair comment. But at the expense of sounding possibly boring, "not that fun". I just think these sorts of things should be kept away from serious trading as it is the opposite mentality to success in trading.

There is more fun elsewhere in the world and on the internet - in business focus on what you are good at.

T2W proably has a vested interest in promoting such games, which as it is income (?) for your business, I can respect, slightly!
Whilst this sort of promotion might not be suitable for everyone, I agree with Fran that if you use guaranteed stops to make sure you dont lose any more than £250 then you should be fine.

GT have kindly extended the start date for us another 7 days. New entrants must sign up before the 8th Sept to qualify. Please note the competition will still run until the end of Sept.
Richbynature said:
T2W proably has a vested interest in promoting such games, which as it is income (?) for your business, I can respect, slightly!

Perhaps Sharky for all our benefit, as members, could you explain the income stream from such a promotion for T2W. I agree fundamentally with the points FX has made, and thus, despite your comments, one assumes you are not doing this purely as 'risk-free' opportunity for your members, as it is clearly not risk free.

For example, are you (T2W that is) taking kickbacks from GT on bets placed under the promotion?
Well I've had a go ?

Well I think this is a fun "No Lose" offer and have decided to have a go - Just trading GBP/USD Cable. I dont want to spend a lot of time on this (especially with a spread of 6) It is a very fast platform, almost immediate when closing trades.

Although I do not really want a safari - it gives it a little incentive.

The person above who says you place a £10 trade and sit really is not aware of the position regarding margin requirements or is a newbie!

I've decided to post my closing positions of all trades WIN or LOSE in my forum on my own website and update weekly. As I intend to compound the size of the trades to increase bet size - then my strict regime on Money Management has been tossed out the window. I posted my first 9 trades yesterday.

I'm ahead at the moment but it could all go Ti...s up the next trade

Is anybody else prepared to show their results here..............Just thought I'd ask - or are they just criticisers? 🙄
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Fxmarkets you should know better!

fxmarkets said:
I thought there are strict laws in this country regarding enticing people to gamble by offering free prizes etc . Not only that but people who enter are paying for this one and are liable for their losses exceeding £250.00 , say the market gaps 200 and jonnies punted £5.00 .

You would not get your bet on - remember Margins - My First bet on the £250 account was limited to £1.50 Fx you should be aware of that??