T2W 2021 Christmas Party (London) - Sat 11th Dec


🎅🎄It's that time of the year again. We never managed to meet-up last year, surprise-suprise, but if there's enough interest it would be good to catch up with some of the regular (or even the lurkers).

So if you're interested please reply to this thread (or pm if you prefer) with preferred dates. We usually aim for a Saturday lunch and drinks, and right now the 11th Dec looks like a good option.
The plan of action is as follows:

- Meet up at 12 noon at the Globe pub opposite Baker Street station: https://www.greeneking-pubs.co.uk/pubs/greater-london/globe/
- Lunch is at 1pm at Bill's Restaurant: https://bills-website.co.uk/restaurants/baker-street
- More drinks afterwards!

There's a Christmas set menu (see attached) for £29.99 with plenty of festive options (inc. vegetarian - any allergies let me know!) Please let me know what your preferred starter/main/desert is if you're coming!

So far, I've booked a table for 5 - if you'd like to come along there's probably still space so let me know and I'll adjust the numbers.

Look forward to resuming our yearly tradition! 🎄🎅🍻😋


Just a reminder we've got our Christmas party in just over a week's time. If you'd like to attend there's still time, just let me know via pm or on this thread. So far we have 4 confirmed (inc. myself).
. . . So far we have 4 confirmed (inc. myself).
I hope you four are all good friends - real friends that is not just 'virtual' online friends - otherwise there'll be no snogging under the mistletoe! Remember: Covid being the super smart virus that it is doesn't spread amongst friends - only amongst strangers.

Have a great time folks - seasons greetings to one and all.
Last call for Saturday's get-together. So please let me know by end of today if possible - or check with me, if it's later than that. Anyone who's a member of T2W is welcome to join us, the more the merrier!