T2W 2003 Christmas Party

Are you interested in coming and if so, what arrangements suit you best?

  • Where? London

    Votes: 25 67.6%
  • Where? Birmingham

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Where? Leeds

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • When? Thurs, 11th Dec

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • When? Fri, 12th Dec

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • When? Sat, 13th Dec

    Votes: 19 51.4%
  • Cost? £15-£25/head

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • Cost? £25-£35/head

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • Cost? £35-£50/head

    Votes: 7 18.9%
  • Yes please, I would like to come along

    Votes: 27 73.0%
  • No thanks, I'm not interested

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • Other, please specify on thread

    Votes: 1 2.7%

  • Total voters


Hi all,

It's that time of year again and I'd really like to organise an event for this year. Older members of the site will know that we didn't manage to sort something out for last year which was a shame because the year before we had an excellent evening out at TGI Friday's in London's West End.

With members across the country (in fact the world!) and all who's work and lifestyle circumstances can be quite different, I thought it best if we conduct a poll to find out what arrangement make sense for the majority of members.

My initial thoughts are as follows:

Venue: London, West End
Date: Saturday, Dec 13th
Price: Approx £25/head
Location: Restaurant/Bar not too noisy, good atmosphere, friendly place nothing too pretentious. Private room/bar. I'm not asking much!
No. of people: 25 to 45?

Anyway, hopefully the results of this poll will confirm whether or not I'm way off the mark.

As always post your thoughts and suggestions on this thread.

Location - dont mind so much as i will have to travel regardless unless you have it in Liverpool at say the Albert Dock. A restaurant/Bar sounds like a great idea.

Cost - Again i dont mind as long as there could be a bit of food thrown in, but if its in restaurant i assume those who want to order food can.

Time - A saturday would be a better day as if it is in London I do not fancy a 4 hour Drive on a friday afternoon in Christmas traffic and i should imagine neither does anyone else.

A fantastic Idea I will be looking forward to this pending the finer details.

I'll be in the UK for Xmas so yeah, count me in :D (that ought to put everyone else off attending), and the West End sounds like a good idea, too.
Would love to come but wherever it's held would have to either hire a car or use public transport :devilish: to get there, then stay the night.

No doubt after the festivities I can live them vicariously through the posts on this board :cheesy:
I for one won't be attending unless Paul can prove, via his acountant, that he has successfully organised such an event for at least the last 3 years.

Sorry couldn't resist :cheesy:
How can u have a moriarty with the miserable, moaning old gits on this board? :cheesy:
Hi Oatman

Drink lots I presume ;)

LOL Gary777 :LOL:

Hi Sharky

I think your original idea is best for me, but i shall leave it up to democracy to decide :cool:
Make it a **** up in a Young's pub with Fine Real Ale and I'll see ya dahn air! :cheesy:
looks like p*ss is a rude word :LOL:
Better still, how about a New Years Eve "Hogmanay" bash in Scotland for all us poor folk who live North of Watford?! :LOL:
I'm with fellow my Scot on that. A thought: What say a Christmas/new year bash for Scots punters (plus guests)? There are probably loads of them about and Stirling is very central (heh heh).
London not an issue for me, But 25 UKP? Sounds like a MCD meal not a west end restuarant. 13th would be OK as well.
Sounds great: I've got a company do on the 11th -- so bouncing on to the 12th and crashing all the way through to 24th sounds like a plan and a half ...
Thanks for everyone's feedback. Before we actually book anywhere we need to a pretty good idea of numbers.


Provisionally, the Xmas party will be held on Saturday, 13th Dec
- at a central london location. Depending on numbers we would either hire a private room, or the whole venue - and I'm currently looking at relaxed gastropub or restaurant setting probably in the region of £25/£35

If you would like to come along to the Xmas party please send me an email to [email protected] with your username and let me know how many tickets you would like. Partners/friends are invited too.

Places will be limited and as we draw closer xmas time is of the essence, so if you are at all interested on this day, then please drop us an email asap.

Thanks to those who have already emailed me, please continue to do so to register your interest.
Provisionally 12 people so far, we'll need at least 20/25 before I can go ahead and hire a private room. So please email me at [email protected] with the number of tickets you think you'll want. Ta.
Looking at the people on this thread who have mentioned they are coming, I reckon it's going to be a great evening so count me in too.
Somewhere with good food would be excellent.
FWIW I know China City in China town do private rooms for 12+ and I've eaten there dozens of times - can't be beaten.
C'mon orchard, train it down and have a w/e in the big city ;-)
It'll be a great evening!