System Tester, Return per day


Is there a simple way to have the System Tester tell me the return per day? It just gives the total return, but does not take into consideration how many days I am in the stock. I do not need to know the annual return on a stock that I may only be in for a handful of days or weeks out of the year. If Metastock cannot give me those kind of testing results, is there a plug in that would do that? If Metastock can not do this & if there is not a plug in that would do this, I guess the next step would be to export to a spreadsheet & set it up that way. I find myself often going into the detail of the System Tester results to hand calculate the return per day, but it would be great if I could see this in a summery form for a group of stocks I am testing. Kevin

All MS results are stored in ST_DATA.mdb.

I'm no technician so I can't figure out how to use that data, but it's all there.

If you can help us both out please gimme an email. 🙂

Regards, Horace