System start-up

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Legendary member
Hi all,

does anyone know of a program/website whereas I can analyze and learn what programs are in my system start up so I can speed up my computer?

Any ideas greatly appreciated, its running far too slow!
maybe 'hijackthis' ?? can then post your log in a computer forum and the guys there will juice you up....
go to start, run, type in msconfig you will see a start up tab where you can disable programs you dont want to load on start up of windows , disable them then restart as prompted.
I have spybot already which brings up a full list of start up entries and I know how to view via the normal route, the problem I have is not knowing what half of them do!?

I've seen hijackthis before it but read a few bad things about it...
🙂 no far from being the thing to do here but disable the ones you think are not required and reboot, keep going, you can always re apply them.

ive done that before and only left 3 things on the list, didnt know what they were, but all booted up fine, always the restart in safe mode option if for some reason it goes a bit pete tong....... and then re apply it keeps them in the list just unchecked.

as you can see I wing it on tech issues... like half of us I guess.
Cheers FX, have tried removing a few and I'll keep going till there is a problem starting it! 😉
just had a look at my list, cant see anything critical, browser programs, and the like, still think windows would load ok
chrisw said:
Cheers FX, have tried removing a few and I'll keep going till there is a problem starting it! 😉

Of course it may be some time very much later until we find out 😱
Looking ok at the moment but there are a few toshiba related ones not too sure about!
hmm might be best to err on the side of caution ... until we get someone in here who knows what the hell they are talking about........
Had a few .dll's where a website states it could be important or, it could be malware... think I'll let those lie!
Firefox rules...

Hi all,

msconfig will let you see what services are loaded at startup, whereas hijackthis (highly recommended if you use Internet Explorer) shows you a list of programs or 'add-ons' to IE, for example toolbars like Google or Yahoo, and things which are outside of the usual installation, allowing you to see all the little bits of crap that have infected your IE setup.

For example, on my PC here at work it is telling me that I have Roboform installed as a BHO (Browser Help Object, which is the way viruses get into IE a lot of the time) but that's ok as I installed it. It's also telling me what loads at startup (BBC Ticker, HotSync, Office) and the extra menu items in IE (which are Roboform commands).

As mentioned above, the best way to use HijackThis if you're not sure what the entries mean is to run the file, and google for the entry as there's a few places where people post the answers 🙂

Best thing to do is NOT to install any toolbars, search assistants etc and to use Firefox instead of IE 😛

Any specifics, post and I'll try and find more details for you.

Hope that helps,
chrisw, did you manage to sort out your pc probs? I took the opportunity to tweak ( fiddle about deleting) mine. what i did find was setting the pc to "best performance" has given a spring in the step of the pc again. charts still look fine etc. and the occassional slow page,programe opening /closing niggles has ceased.
I eventually googled each entry individually so I could decipher there purpose better and be a bit more confident when i deleted them. Works much much better now