

Active member
Hi all,

Does anyone use a supertrend? I have been testing one for big currencies and recorded massive gains, anyone have any similar experiences???

Only problem is, when to get out of the trade at maximum profit...
If anyone does use the method, and has experience, mail me for more info and a discussion on how to enhance gains
Sorry dude - never heard of it.

Care to elaborate a little more?

What exactly is 'supertrend'?
Sorry dude - never heard of it.

Care to elaborate a little more?

What exactly is 'supertrend'?

A supertrend is a study which indicates whether the market is bearish, or bullish, we can see that the market is bearish when the line crosses through the green, and vice versa. See the attachment.



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Leo virgo,

Do you use the supertrend?

Yes, I use it for trend trades. Say I trade a reveral/swing trade at 60minute time frame, then I would trail a position based on 5m supertrend i.e, a lower timeframe as it will be a trend at lower timeframe.
I wish i could have a £ for everytime somebody said "oh that doesn't seem to work on Metatrader4 can you fix it so it does!"
Basically it works the same as following a trend with MVA and LMVA, when the indicators are under the trend they show a bullish trend and vice versa, it must be followed under 5 min TFand it pays back, it really does, to work under smaller TF can be tricky because tickers and 1 m change fast and randomly, the only problem i´ve faced following supertrends these way is that by when a bullish or a bearish trend end at a 5 min TF some of the profitt has gone, believe me, it allways pay back.
By the other hand dont ever forget markets behave random and their behaviour is not scientific.
What market do you trade the method on. I noticed it works on pretty much all, but what in your favourite and over what TF.
I trade forex usd/jpy basically, TF 1 and 5 min., the supertrend is marked by 5 min chart and 1 min chart tells me when the trend could be exausted.
Pretty much what I did today using GBPUSD and $$$. Why USDJPY? and where are you getting your 5 min chart? I'm using Dufascope and at the mo can only find 10 min and 1 min charts.

Also I am finding that there is some value to watching where the green crosses the black, any thoughts.?