Summer work experience


I am just coming up to finishing my 1st year a Uni. I have recently become interested into the investment sector, but being too late to apply for interns this summer i was wondering what else i could do to help my application for summer 2009. Is there anywhere that would give me unpaid work that would show transferable skills to put on my CV.
I know it is now impossible to get any experience with an investment bank this summer. Would there be stuff i could do locally even? Would things like work at an accountants or a local bank help an application next summer?
Thanks for your help.
internships are usually for your second year... so now you know if you really want to get in an IB then start applying for them first thing in september.

This year do something fun.
Thanks for the quick reply. But when applying for an internship next summer will my CV be too bare with no experience at all related to the sector and i'd just get rejected for every internship?
it might be rejected for all kinds of reasons... but lack of experience in finance is unlikely to be it. You could join financial related societies at your university.