stop chasing pips...there is an easier way


Part of the reason I trade is that I want a better quality of life which means not spending all my time in front of screens. I have a system that identifies an edge that will easily produce a minimum gain of 10pips/day aggregated across a weekly intraday sample of trades. I aim to spend no more than 5 hours/day maximum in front of my screens and am happy to stop trading when I have achieved +10pips for the day as my minimum daily target.

Now what does 10 pips/day mean: Well it depends on the leverage you use and your risk/trade of course, but if you know the strike rate of your edge (ie it's % of winning trades to total trades) you can optimise your leverage and money management to it. For me because my strike rate is high I can use a fairly aggressive leverage, but can still keep my risk/trade to under 1.5%, and I achieve a minimum return of 5%+ / week on account. This minimum 5% a week over 40 trading weeks equals +200% / year and of course if you compound these gains it amounts to a lot more. I have the odd losing day but never a losing week.

And that's the secret really: Find a high strike rate edge that will produce an attractive return. Make sure the edge is easily recognisable and clear when it sets up.Know the strike rate of the edge proven over a very large sample of trades when it sets up. Trade the edge when it sets up and be satisfied with a certain return, ........and go and have a life.

Now, if you have a high strike rate edge that is proven to work then trading becomes an excercise in probabilities rather than a risk. Trading is purely probabilities with a proven edge. You trade the edge each time it sets up and over a sample of trades you know you will produce a gain. We cannot know in advance which set-ups will be successful and which will fail, but we do know that it we trade them all we will reach our desired target sooner rather than later because we are trading with a high strike rate edge.

So, trade and have a life using:
1. A proven high strike rate trading edge
2. Absolute knowledge of the historical strike rate of the edge proven in the live market not from backtests and optimizations.
3. Risk and money management parametres that are ideally suited to your trading edge.
4. An achievable minimum target gain that you know will provide you with ;
(i) A very good income,
(ii) Sufficient gains after withdrawing your income to compound up your position sizes with and therefore achieve a greater cash generation from the same number of pips.

By the way you'd be surprised at how much the above can help with the psychology of trading!!

If you want to see my trading system in action you can hear me trading live in my audio chat room in paltalk from Monday 19th June. The name of the room is fxedge2006. (If you do not have the paltalk chat room software you can download it free here: ) The room is in the Business & Finance setion, Day traders sub-section.

I will make LIVE trading calls, ie: the Entry Stop and Exit as well as giving an overal ongoing commentary regarding the intraday and wider technical and fundamental factors likely to have an effect in the market as I trade. I trade the London session and choose the best set-ups from Eurusd, Usdchf, and Gbpusd. You'll be pretty amazed at a professional commentary highlighting the potential 'twists and turns' of the intraday market

Everyone is welcome and I am sure you will be amazed at how simple this forex market can be.
Last edited by a moderator:
Will this room and your commentary be free for the entire duration that you offer it? If not I am afraid your post constitutes vendor advertising which is not permitted on this site and I will have to edit your post to remove the parts that breach site guidelines. I have removed your Email address already as a precaution. Forgive me if I seem harsh or sceptical but your proposition does sound too good to be true.
just to clear any matters up, the commentar y regrading my trading system and the way I trade that I give in the paltalk room 'fxedge2006' commencing Mon 19th June, will be free and there is no charge.

Hope that the moderators will re-install my email address so that people can benefit

Thank you

well a complete nightmare this morning with Paltalk so aplogies for any inconvenience. I hadn't realised that when you password protect a ' free ' room it limits the number allowed in to 10 not the 200 advertised for a ' free room' So when I tried to log back in after a pc crash just before we started this am at 8am gmt, I got the message ' max number of users in the room ' and couldn't get back in.

Some one was good enough to ' pm ' me and tell me this so I took the password off but there is obviosly a delay in the paltalk servers updating!!!

So for tomorrow I'll leave the password off till everyone is in the room. We'll start at 08:00am gmt again.



fxedge2006 said:

well a complete nightmare this morning with Paltalk so aplogies for any inconvenience. I hadn't realised that when you password protect a ' free ' room it limits the number allowed in to 10 not the 200 advertised for a ' free room' So when I tried to log back in after a pc crash just before we started this am at 8am gmt, I got the message ' max number of users in the room ' and couldn't get back in.

Some one was good enough to ' pm ' me and tell me this so I took the password off but there is obviosly a delay in the paltalk servers updating!!!

So for tomorrow I'll leave the password off till everyone is in the room. We'll start at 08:00am gmt again.





If u r serious about helping others, why don't u outline your system in this forume?

Paltalk Room

Hi fxedge2006

Is the room still active. I have logged on to Paltalk and cannot find the room.


frugi said:
Will this room and your commentary be free for the entire duration that you offer it? If not I am afraid your post constitutes vendor advertising which is not permitted on this site and I will have to edit your post to remove the parts that breach site guidelines. I have removed your Email address already as a precaution. Forgive me if I seem harsh or sceptical but your proposition does sound too good to be true.

I ventured into the room just for fun under a different name of course and waited, then waited some more until eventually the pitch came....all of three days waiting and it has to be said, no substance whatsoever to the commentary........but guess what !!!!! only £1000.00 for exclusive private trading room with mr fk ex 2006 ( inc compensation for lost trading time BLAH BLAH BLAH ) and his sidekick trading buddy, who shall remain nameless, simply because he wasn't mentioned by name.

I hope nobody bought into this utter pile of s***e 🙄

Yes sounds very much like a loser called sid who sold a rubbish system on here about a year ago ,steer well clear .