Stock Market Trading Alternatives


Junior member
With the headaches ive been recieving from playing the actual stock market, i found myself playing stock market trading games as an alternative. Im still fairly new to how everything works but it seems pretty fun so far. There are a number of them out there that ive been trying out. This Stock Market Trading Game is my favorite as of now. From what i experienced stock market trading games seem to be a fun way of playing the stock market without losing all your money. Anyone else ever try them out?
From what i experienced stock market trading games seem to be a fun way of playing the stock market without losing all your money

Paper trading has the same effect.

Trading games are dangerous for those who think they relate more than superficially to actual trading. Game players invariably take much more risk (need to in order to win) than any prudent real-money trader would ever do. Experienced traders certainly play the games (and take the extra risk), but they keep real and game seperate.

i registered for a couple of tournaments, but haven't really done a match yet, because they haven't started