Stock Market Geometry



I'm interested in de books from Bradley Cowan.

Has anyone experience with the home-study course?
Or has someone a book from his course like

Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures and Cycles

Works his approach to the market in the real life? Or is it just a theoretical approach.

Thanks Retep
Bradley Cowan

In a buying spree while in the City I purchased these (The 4 Market Science books) along with a load of other software and books about 6 or 7 years ago. They had been recommended to me as the best TA books ever written (something I disagree with). I did some initial work on them and then they stayed on the shelf. Purely by coincidence I took them down off the shelf about a week ago and had a flick through. The work it contains is claimed to be totally original. I have heard this disputed with some degree of authority. Even if the material is not 100% original it is not commonly known and might be classed as advanced Gann style, although Gann never openly wrote about most of this. There is some astrology in here although not a massive amount and some moderately complex work on time and price. Are they worth the money? Despite the fact that I haven't actually used the material i would have to say they are worth the money, on balance. Even if it only opens up your eyes to the fact that the reason that markets change direction has nothing to do with what you read in the papers and hear on the television. They would not be near the top of my reading list but then I have a very big library. If you believe that Gann style mathematics (sacred geometry etc) works, then this is another reasonable avenue to follow. I have no connection with the author other than I purchased the books.
John Ehlers / Cycle analysis

Hello OldGreyWT,

Thank you for your reaction,

Because you say you have a big library, do you also got books of John Ehlers. What is your opinion about his books (i'v you got them)?

I'm asking this because i'm interested in Cycle Analysis.
Can you or anyone else tell me what good books are about Cycle Analysis?
MSIAMD said:

I'm interested in de books from Bradley Cowan.

Has anyone experience with the home-study course?
Or has someone a book from his course like

Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures and Cycles

Works his approach to the market in the real life? Or is it just a theoretical approach.

Thanks Retep
I have really tried over the past years to get into the Cowan material but the Astro stuff which he says is the easier initial approach is beyond me.A friend who is into astrology tells me it s a lifetimes work.
Maybe for the second chapter on price and time the books are worth it compared to other vendors.
Have you read Roberts Miners book Dynamic Trading.
best regards
sadude said:
I have really tried over the past years to get into the Cowan material but the Astro stuff which he says is the easier initial approach is beyond me.A friend who is into astrology tells me it s a lifetimes work.
Maybe for the second chapter on price and time the books are worth it compared to other vendors.
Have you read Roberts Miners book Dynamic Trading.
best regards

thank you for your posting.

Yes i've read Roberts Miner book. I liked the book. But it got relations with the Elliot Wave technique.
Because i'm interested in cycle analysis i'am looking for a good book about cycle analysis. Do you (maybe beside Robert Miners book) have any idea about a good book?

"Channels & Cycles: A tribute to J.M. Hurst" by Brian J. Millard, Traders Press, 1999 is a good book on cycle analysis.


I agree with OldGreyWT. Essentially these books are touted as the source for shedding light on the so called hidden material of W.D. Gann, but before book 1 even begins, Mr Cowan recommends that you first study the following subjects (and I kid you not):

Gann's Master Course for Stocks, contemporary cycle analysis, radii vectors, musical scales, patterns in nature, Fibonacci number series, dynamic symmetry, sympathetic resonance, characteristics of revolving bodies, contemplative geometry, vibration, crystallography and basic astronomy.

...then you can start reading his book! Oh is that all, I hear you ask? Well, no actually. Remember that this is only part 1. You will need to swot up on quite a few more subjects (you know, quantum mechanics, telepathic communication with dolphins, how to avoid splashing when you wear grey trousers, etc...) if you want to move on to the advanced stuff!

The dispute of originality that OldGWT refers to concerns the late Dr Jerome Baumring. I have attached a couple of notepad files to this message. These are copies of alleged emails that I found long ago on some other trading forum. I'm sure if you do a Google search you would be able to find the source. Anyway, as to who is telling the truth and whether it has any value is something for you to decide on your own. In case you are wondering who Brad Stewart is, he is the owner of , where Baumring's course can be purchased.

Sorry if this has made you even more cheesed off than the previous responses!


Hello Nizz Whizz,

Thank you for your reply.
It becomes not easier for me to choose a good book for studying on cycle analysis.
I understand from all the reply's that the books from Cowan are not (very) useful in real life trading and they take a lot of time to study them.

But are the books from Baumring useful? Or need they also a lot of time to study?

Visiting the web site of gives me the idea that i'm visiting some kind of bookstore. You can order a lot of books about Gann, Cycle analysis, Baumring etc.
For me it is very difficult to choose a good starters book.

Do you or anyone else own a book ordered by about cycle analysis?

Hi again MSIAMD,

My last message seemed like I was being very nasty and I did not mean to imply that there was nothing useful to be learned, just that it will in all likelihood take a very long time for you to do so.

I do not own Baumring's material, but I have heard that is even more difficult to understand than Cowan's. There are 9 volumes and each one is I believe about 500 pages in length; PLUS there is another guy called Julius Nirenstein who was a student of Baumring and you can buy his notes on Baumring's lectures! 🙄 It is up to you how long you want to commit to studying and how much you are willing to pay for the privilege, and YES, is an online bookstore!

I can only recommend books on cycles from the few I've read on the subject. Bluechiptrader recommended a book called 'Channels & Cycles: A tribute to J.M. Hurst'; I have not read this, but I have read a book that is considered (by some of the people, some of the time) a classic that is by J.M. Hurst and is called 'The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing'. This is another difficult book to read - at least for a dumb ass like me - but has proved quite profitable in the long run. It is also a darn sight cheaper than all the other books mentioned. Another useful book is 'The Delta Phenomenon', by Welles Wilder - just try and grit your teeth through the endless hyperbole...

I've decided to buy 'The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing'. I think it's a good book to begin with and it is not to expensive.
Thank you all for you replies
Baumring & Cycles

Just to add that I have seen the Baumring course and met the man himself. Cowan's books are simple compared to this stuff. It is full of Sacred Geometry and you need to understand the basics of this first.

For longer term cycle analysis you might like to try Samuel Benner's book "Benner's Prophecies" published in 1879. This is a real down to earth book on long term cycles and is often available on EBay. Should be around $35 as an average price. They claim that Gann read this first. I would take this with a pich of salt but I found the book interesting. The classic book on cycles is Dewey's book.

My apologies if somebody else has put this link in before but try

Just to give you an idea of what you might be up against. Some years ago a rocket scientist type trader decompounded the cycles in just one currency pair in the FX market and found that there were 16 conficting cycles. There are far easier ways to trade markets than with all this complexity.
i allso have the profit magic of stock transaction timming awseome book if you want to get into looking for and useing cycles in the stock market .I currently use some of his ideas to help me trade the asx
and still pick it up every so often to refresh what was said as it isnt light reading , but well worth working through it . i currently use vtls and flds with 5day high and low averages as an envelope
Hurst Channel - Hurst Band

I need to scan stocks for those moved above Upper Hurst Band and those moved below Lower Hurst Band.

Could you please recommend software that can automatically scan stocks and pick the right ones?
This one from Pent cycle time theory - The key to Cowan are the BIG cycle turns he found and published, work them out (It is a UP/DOWN sequence) then create a strategy for each type of cycle - i.e. for the UP cycles, you can easily (I have) just BUY EVERY decent/significant correction because the trend is UP


@THT is the chart you posted in the book? I am reading it now


The CYCLE is in Pentagonal - The start point for it is my own

On my Journal thread on this site, I am showing ALL the cycles - some hit, some miss, as they come along - I've posted in Jan the 2025 set of cycles due