Stock Market Crash ?


In addition to the housing - credit market debt reaching dizzling heights,
perhaps the oil crisis will be the first in the domino of a stock market crash.
( see )

Major Factors.

- Peak Oil Price
- Credit Bubble
- Housing Bubble
- Baby Boomers Retirements Cash out.

This can be more serious than i thought.

robdog881 said:
Are you guys fimilar with the theory of peak oil? Saudi arabia with 25% of the known oil reserves will be hitting peak oil very very soon or at least in the next couple of years. With energy demands rising and the US, china, india consuming more and more crude, once peak oil hits demand will outpace supply and cost per barrel will be much higher than even what we are going to see today. I think the political, social, economic implications will be horrible.

The days of cheap gas to put into our cars has already gone. Here in the US the price is already at 3.00 per gallon. and i dont think it will ever come back down again. I think we are facing a very uncertain future with up coming political upheaval, wars across the world and social unrest.

Kinda of a depressing thought. IS this a doomsday theory? could be...but i dont think so. signs of peak oil is already emerging on the oil markets. and its not just because of production or lack of refineries. thats what they want you to believe.

How will this effect Global markets once oil hits more than $100 a barrell?. How will this effect our everyday lives?