Stock Chart Explanation


I have seen this multiple times in a few different programs but was wondering what it meant.

I know the red and green bars at the bottom are to do with volume, when the bar is red is it telling me that there were more shares sold then brought?

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Image is hard to see but looks like the standard way to display volume histogram - volume bar colour tallies with the price bar colour, which is set by comparison of the bar's close with the previous bar's close - so both would be green if closing price was higher than the previous, red if lower.

Some programmes allow you to re-set the volume bar colours according to volume change - i.e. green if volume this bar was higher than last, red if lower.

Volume is total shares traded. The implication of a green bar would be that there were more buyers than sellers.
Thanks - it now looks like the price bars are coloured according to their Current Open-Current Close change, not the Previous Close-Current Close, whereas the volume bars are coloured using Previous Close-Current Close. It depends on what you want to use volume data for but to me it will always be confusing when the two charts are differently colour coded like that.
I have seen this multiple times in a few different programs but was wondering what it meant.

I know the red and green bars at the bottom are to do with volume, when the bar is red is it telling me that there were more shares sold then brought?

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Not logical Captain! Think about it, how can you sell something without someone buying it, hence buy = sell = same, no matter if stocks, futures, Forex, apples, oranges :smart:
Thanks - it now looks like the price bars are coloured according to their Current Open-Current Close change, not the Previous Close-Current Close, whereas the volume bars are coloured using Previous Close-Current Close. It depends on what you want to use volume data for but to me it will always be confusing when the two charts are differently colour coded like that.

I think you were right first time, tomo. Default in prorealtime is to colour in line with higher or lower close in price from the previous price bar. Equal close takes on the colour of the previous volume bar. I don't use volume much, but have the same colour .