Starting capital for aracde

richi rich

Active member

I am considering renting out a desk at a local aracde in London.

I know Desk fees are in the range of £1,500 - 2,500 (pc/3 or 4 screens, bloomberg, CQG, sky TV,)

should that include the trading software TT etc? and exhange membership fees?

Can anyone suggest what kind of roundtrip costs i should look for on the Eurex, NYSE Liffe, CME, CBOT, ICE and normal stocks. (or what you think competitive rates are)

Secondly, as suggested in the title, im not sure what kind of capital to go in with. I was previuosly thinking £20,000 - but then id have to make at least 10% per month to cover desk fees? so maybe in the range of £40,000?
I will be doing both spreads in stirs and alot of outrights in index's (bit of FX and commodities)

Any suggestions for good deals at certain arcades in london by the experianced ones traders here?

PS. Another really important thing i want to do is build a decent track record - this track record is what i really need.
