Starting a career in investment banking


Junior member
I am very happy! after 24 years of not knowing what career i want to get into I have finally discovered I want to get into IB. I have some hurdles to get over first. Advice from some knowledgeable people would be brilliant.

Here they are - My first problem is that i do have a business degree but it isn't a very good one (scraped 2:2 from a slightly above average uni) I also only started trading (commodities, forex and major stocks) at the beginning of the year and have so far had some positive indicators but am down a lot of money. Could anyone reccommend to me where i might start a career in IB? or any general advice.
Trading and investment banking (which in itself is comprised of various sub-sets and distinct careers) are two vastly different career paths. I suggest you figure out what you want to do first but to be honest either route will require you to go back to uni as you'll likely not be even be too competitive in this market with a 2.1 never mind a 2.2


MSc student whose friends have 2.1 and good MSc and still can't find a job lol.
I think you'd be better trying for a prop firm rather than IB; IB is ridiculously competitive and full of oxbridge grads who did quantitative degrees.

Besides, conventional prop trading desks are dying at banks due to regs.
You won't get into an IB directly with that track record I'm afraid. Your best route now will be to get in later once you've got some experience in industry and with something like an ACA qualification, although even that wil be tricky with a 2:2 from an average university and in a 'soft' subject like Business. Apart from anything else it will test your dedication if you're willing to get the five to ten years experience you'll now need to be in with a chance. It would have been easier if you'd spent less time in the SU bar while you were at uni and got a better degree when you had the chance. Have a think about a Masters in Economics while you're at it.

Why do you want to work at an IB anyway if your main interest is trading?
By way of context I've just read that Barcap (not exactly top-tier) had 107,000 graduate applications last year.
After completing the graduation,you may get the job in IB, but you must have a good command over reasoning and English comprehension. It's a very challenging and demanding career for you.
agreed ..........and a little cocky rhyming slang helps

Investment Bankers = ?

who get a 6 figure salary as a 23 year old...
who get there after 4 years of education
or maybe it's just USA
Im 21 and hoping to get into an IB when I graduate next year, If Im on a 6 figure salary within a years work I will be very very happy, and possibly very unique. That doesn't happen, surely?
Im 21 and hoping to get into an IB when I graduate next year, If Im on a 6 figure salary within a years work I will be very very happy, and possibly very unique. That doesn't happen, surely?

Do your passion whatever it is.