Standalone Pivot Point Calculator?


Anyone know where I can get a standalone pivot point calculator i.e. one that I can use without going on-line?

There are dozens of web based calculators, but Im looking for one that runs as a program.


Just hypothetical data in it, but you can use it to calc both vanilla and Camarilla Pivots for any instrument of your choice.

Just enter the OHLC (in blue boxes) and the vanilla and Camarilla (red boxes) will be calculated automatically.

Ignore the other stuff - the ramblings of a disordered mind.


  • pivot point calc.xls
    31.5 KB · Views: 1,130
Thanks for that

TheBramble said:

Just hypothetical data in it, but you can use it to calc both vanilla and Camarilla Pivots for any instrument of your choice.

Just enter the OHLC (in blue boxes) and the vanilla and Camarilla (red boxes) will be calculated automatically.

Ignore the other stuff - the ramblings of a disordered mind.
You know, I did later wonder why it wasn`t going to 4 decimal places and would only allow me to input 2 decimal places!

10/10 for effort though!

TheBramble said:
Well, that's great. Glad I was able to help. Apart from the fact it doesn't calculate correctly and doesn't take decimal points...

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with BF1....

BF1 said:
You know, I did later wonder why it wasn`t going to 4 decimal places and would only allow me to input 2 decimal places!
I was referring to the 'app' you provided via url. That one doesn't appear to calculate correctly nor does it seem to allow decimal points to be used. Whereas my offering does both - superbly. :LOL:

BF1 said:
10/10 for effort though!
I'm delighted with your grading of my effort and feel I can now sleep easily at long last. Many thanks....

I provided my calculator on an 'as is' basis. If it meets your needs in any way, feel free to modify to your satisfaction - such as changing the format of the cells to 4dp if required. (If you need assistance in doing that - just let me know).
It never ceases to intrigue me,how good advice is so often wrapped up in a bundle of cynicism.

Hi Bramble,

Well Ive just tried it again and it seems to work fine and also accepts decimal points, so not sure whats going wrong with the one you have downloaded.
Are the two programs looking at different types of pivot points, if different types exist, that is? The link I provided only requires HLC whereas yours requires Open as well.

When I go to 4 decimal places on yours, it cuts off the last 2 decimal places and rounds it up. So, 1.7777 becomes 1.78.

Im new to understanding pivot points so have probably got it all wrong! Regardless, I appreciate the response to my enquiry and your help.

TheBramble said:
I was referring to the 'app' you provided via url. That one doesn't appear to calculate correctly nor does it seem to allow decimal points to be used. Whereas my offering does both - superbly. :LOL:

I'm delighted with your grading of my effort and feel I can now sleep easily at long last. Many thanks....

I provided my calculator on an 'as is' basis. If it meets your needs in any way, feel free to modify to your satisfaction - such as changing the format of the cells to 4dp if required. (If you need assistance in doing that - just let me know).

Bramble Sir,
Thanks for the post of your spreadsheet.
I was particularly interested in the Camarilla equation.
I too thought that surefire thing used open as well as HLC, it seems that looking at your formula's it does not.

Am I correct?

To follow up on yesterdays post. SFT's website claims to use open. I have searched both these boards and the internet in general and cannot find any Camarilla equation that actually bases any caclulation on the open.