squawk service

Wile E Trader

Junior member
I am looking at a squawk service and wonder if any of you use RANsquawk or talking-forex.com I have looked in the forum archive seen some posts about RANsquawk but not anything to do with talking-forex.com have any of you had experience with them.
I am on a trial of ransquawk.com right now. So far its ok, the text feed is great but the audio is really bad. I can never hear the full report as the audio feed cuts out and I've read that a lot of folks have the same issues.

I was recommended to go to talking-forex.com instead by RANsquawk since I am an individual trader. I guess its a sister company or something like that setup for smaller players. I plan on starting a trial soon, hopefully their audio feed does not cut out as much.
I am on a trial of ransquawk.com right now. So far its ok, the text feed is great but the audio is really bad. I can never hear the full report as the audio feed cuts out and I've read that a lot of folks have the same issues.

I was recommended to go to talking-forex.com instead by RANsquawk since I am an individual trader. I guess its a sister company or something like that setup for smaller players. I plan on starting a trial soon, hopefully their audio feed does not cut out as much.

Try http://www.newsstrike.com/ its free but I havnt really had a chance to use it so cant say what its like.
I had no problems with the ransquawk audio at all. I think they are based in London. So my being close by helps. I gave up after the trial period since I think real time news has little benefit for the retail casino go'er.
newsstrike was on my list to check out so i will definitely give them a look. I also started a trial with www.ifrmarkets.com but haven't spent much time on the site to know if its good.

BeginnerJoe, I am going to try logging in from different places, maybe its just my internet connection right now.
I use traders audio.com and find it to useful when there is confluence of whats going on in the s&p pit and on my order flow footprint especially at key levels on my pivot farm.com data sheet.
yeah by the way - traders audio has FX news and commentary too. I used their SP pit service for a year it was quite helpful. the 'flash crash' day was tremendous for me thanks to the audio feed. otherwise i would have my account whiped that day.

I am sure their FX feed more productive than any other squawk because the guy also comments on the news so you can get real market bias and not only your own guess on the news.. and from SP experience I am sure you can also get discount if you ask nicely 😉
I am on a trial with RanSquawk and First Call. My opinion so far is the morning guy on RAN is very good and fast. Does not give you useless info like where the DAX is trading or if the spread is widening of .... I am interested in somebody scanning the news and commenting on the latest, not where the market is trading now.

First Call guys seem like the average suburb joe who speaks with a slang or use a lot of street English. Like "The latest figure is bang in line" or " Papademos, Oh ****ing Hell", RanSquawk guys have more educated sounding like English.

Overall they are both useful for those traders who need this type of service. The morning guy on RAN, scans for rumours too, which could be helpful.

Just my opinion.
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I am looking at a squawk service and wonder if any of you use RANsquawk or talking-forex.com I have looked in the forum archive seen some posts about RANsquawk but not anything to do with talking-forex.com have any of you had experience with them.

I have a trial account on both Ransquawk and Talking-forex and the squawk is the EXACT same voice/content. There are more text headlines on Ransquawk than talking-forex (i.e. Ran has the EXACT same headlines that TF has plus more).

I would go with Ransquawk over TF...haven't tried any others, but will soon.
I have a trial account on both Ransquawk and Talking-forex and the squawk is the EXACT same voice/content. There are more text headlines on Ransquawk than talking-forex (i.e. Ran has the EXACT same headlines that TF has plus more).

I would go with Ransquawk over TF...haven't tried any others, but will soon.

I believe both of these names belong to the same owners, don't they?
RANsquawk and talking forex operate from the same office/operation. You get the same feed as the gold/forex RANsquawk feed. For £20/month I think it's a bargain compared to the full RANsquawk fee. It's pretty easy to tell they're linked because Talking forex is advertised on the RAN site.