Spreadbetting Charts & Indicators


Junior member
Hi all, I'm very new to the trading game, but learning quite nicely with the help from some great guys (they know who they are) thanks men.

Would be most interested tho to hear from serious traders (who don't want to sell me a seminar package or subscription to a spread betting company ) with the systems they use; charts, indicators etc. Have tried one or 2 from other members so far and getting some positive results.

This is a forum at the end of the day, so if you do not want to share any tips or hints, then please keep any unpleasant remarks to yourself; its called "Trade2win", not "im a selfish ****, so im keeping it all to myself".

Hey, and if you read this far, thanks


Just a squirrel trying to get a nut!!!
Hey there

I to am a squirrel on a nut gathering exercise. Have you tried IG index? They quote currencies 24 hours and there charts are pretty good if you keep them refreshed. Others have had negative experience with them but they seem to work OK for. It really depends what markets you want to trade and the timeframe you want to trade by.

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Why not follow some of the on-going threads in the Forex or Indices sections. The successful traders are open about their thoughts and trading ideas. 🙂
Why not follow some of the on-going threads in the Forex or Indices sections. The successful traders are open about their thoughts and trading ideas. 🙂

Here's one of mine to be going on with. Still use it most days. Nice on the Dow, Footy and Ibex yesterday.....
Good luck mate
Very new to this game

Hey, thanks guys for the advice. I trade with IG at the moment; nice simple platform but been told capital have got tighter spreads. Im just a lowly engineer in a factory, so most of what people say on here goes "WHOOSSSHHHH" straight over the top. IG got some good charts, and been given some indicators from a senior member and had some good results.
Im trying all shapes to get results; scalping with charts, bloomberg spread betters guide, and so forth... I need to get better educated with orders to open, as by the time I manually buy or sell when market opens, the stock has already shifted to a position where it could then go either way; buy or sell..( I have a T-mobile Ameo phone with mobile dealer loaded ) very hard to see where the market is going when im buy/selling.

Im going to take a look at the charts been given so far and see what I can make of them 🙄 but im getting there slowly, but big thanks to the people who are out there to give people like me a helping shove

Kevin, just a squirrel trying to get a nut
Take your time to learn. As someone once said (Mark Douglas?), the market will always be there.

I would only use a phone/PDA to check and close positions, not to open them. I wouldn't make an open decision with just numbers and no graphs. (I'm a newbie, though...)

As for spreads, yes, IG have huge spreads, but at least you get fulfilled at the right numbers. That's advice someone gave on here a while ago. The problem with some SB companies is that you get tight spreads but by the time they fulfill, your position is in loss or the price you buy in at is a lot higher than you wanted. I think Finspreads is good at being bad (check the thread on this forum). Until someone recommends a company that guarantees spreads and fulfillment, I'm resigned to sticking with IG. I am not happy with the spreads (eg Forward EUR/USD is in reality 18 pips: 12 pips + 6 guaranteed), which means that when you open a position, it's 6 points higher than you want so if you wanted a 50 point stoploss, you really need to buy a 62 point stoploss (or something). I did email them asking why the minimum stop was so big and their reply was along the lines of "This is how we make money." Harsh... but fair. At least they didn't go, "Oh, it's good for our customers blah blah".
Hey, thanks guys for the advice. I trade with IG at the moment; nice simple platform but been told capital have got tighter spreads. Im just a lowly engineer in a factory, so most of what people say on here goes "WHOOSSSHHHH" straight over the top. IG got some good charts, and been given some indicators from a senior member and had some good results.
Im trying all shapes to get results; scalping with charts, bloomberg spread betters guide, and so forth... I need to get better educated with orders to open, as by the time I manually buy or sell when market opens, the stock has already shifted to a position where it could then go either way; buy or sell..( I have a T-mobile Ameo phone with mobile dealer loaded ) very hard to see where the market is going when im buy/selling.

Im going to take a look at the charts been given so far and see what I can make of them 🙄 but im getting there slowly, but big thanks to the people who are out there to give people like me a helping shove

Kevin, just a squirrel trying to get a nut

Have you come accross many nuts, yet?
totally nuts!!!

OK, im new to this game, but i was comparing live charts; wall street cash and google (I know...why o why o why !!!) but i found that most of the time, the price raise or fall on wall street cash was nearly replicated in the google price seconds later. I added price charts for both WS and GOg and just watched... when the WScash went up or down i would jump in with my 20p bid (last of the big spenders i hear you say) i spent about an hour just watching, jumping in and out at what i thought were the best times... dont ask me how many points i was pulling out but i made just over 100 quid... was this luck or is there method in my madness...Hard on the old heart tho!!!!
