Spreadbet demo accounts are they a fruad.


Active member
I am wondering if these are fruad. I thought I would do tradefair demo account because I won't be trading until friday when I will fund a different spread betting account. Had enough of capital spreads and sudden spikes to trigger stop losses. I also don't like this automatic stop loss they generate, it eats up your margin. I would rather get a margin call and put money into the account to cover it and future trades.

Anyway this demo account they say the prices will move slower than the actual market and might not reflect the market prices. I have done trades on the dow, euro/dollar and dax. And guess what they have all gone my way and I making profits. is this something they do to make people think its easy and open a proper account.

I did not think this will go up or down, just put the trades on at random or maybe I should do that when trading for real. Apart from being in the red from the spread that soon went to profit. Not a lot but profit and without the spreads my profot would be double.

They set a stop loss and starting with £10,000 and £60 a point of bets shared between dax,dow and euro/dollar trading resource left is only £1400. On my reckoning a minimum of £4000 worth of trading resources should be left.

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