Spread Trade Systems

  • Thread starter Thread starter gulam
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Dear Members,

I find this site very useful to share experience that people have had with other softwares. As a newbie, I am trying to scrap though the BS softwares and find a good trading system.

I have come across a highly recommended coaching site which is: www.spreadtradesystems.com. They train you on options. And once you have paid the fee its for life. So you can attend and repeat the same classes over and over again. They have 2 weekly chat sessions and a weekly online radio sessions. The people who are teaching them are masters themselves. So there is nothing like, pay $2k now for basic and then another $3k to learn the intermediate, and other $3k to learn the advanced systems.

I sent emails to existing students and got approx 10 responses back. 8 of them were very positive, getting profits from 20% to 90%. Some claim they made money then lost it beucase they became greedy. The only real negative feedback I got was a chap in the UK, and said he didn't put much time into it after attending the course. I got the feeling that he expected the system to be the answer to all the money you can get, but didn't turn out like that.

Overall I got the consensues that you had to apply the right stratergies at the right times. i.e. apply bull spread stratergies in a bull market, etc.

If anyone on this board has done this course or has come across it, please let me know.
The course fee is $5000 for life.

I note you say you are a trader but your questions indicate you are a total novice. You flit from spread betting, to spread trading, and direct access ( or you say via stock broker). Spending $5000 needs deep thought and research.

Personally I prefer the long road of study , practice, practice, practice, study etc. master one thing at a time etc.

Nonetheless, here are some study links on your chosen topic:

http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showt...301&perpage=6&highlight=joe ross&pagenumber=1



Not all the above refer to your subject but I will leave you to do the detailed research.

Try "Google"

And our very own.....



Just remember there are no magic bullets, otherwise we would all be rich, just hard work, practice etc for two or three years.

You will learn that your biggest obstacle is yourself, that you can trade without "systems"; that you can trade without passing $10000 or $5000 to other people; there is no shortcut. Be humble to the market and spend a two or three year apprenticeship and you might succeed.

I believe reward is still proportional to effort.

Finally, much of the "software" mentioned on this board relates to tracking the market NOT making your decisions for you. Bear in mind that ten traders looking at the same info. will trade it in 10 different ways. You are at the beginning of your quest - watch out for snakeoil and dream merchants; suppress greedy thoughts and visions of easy riches, magic systems; for these are the tools of the dream merchant.
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Dear Niel,

Thanks once again for the info.. I am an ammature, and havn't been trading for long.
I trade with deal 4 free now, but I am down.

The subject I talked about is Spread trade system NOT Spread betting.

2 Different things.

They have a 1 hour free online seminar.

But I beleive you need to learn a system from someone who has made money using those stratergies. If we didn't learn like that then we could spend years in finding something that works.

But having said that, you have to be aware of the BS systems out there.

gulam said:
Dear Niel,

Thanks once again for the info.. I am an ammature, and havn't been trading for long.
I trade with deal 4 free now, but I am down.

The subject I talked about is Spread trade system NOT Spread betting.

2 Different things.

They have a 1 hour free online seminar.

But I beleive you need to learn a system from someone who has made money using those stratergies. If we didn't learn like that then we could spend years in finding something that works.

But having said that, you have to be aware of the BS systems out there.


I am talking of "Spread trading"..... I do not mention spread betting except to mention that some people confuse the two terms.

read the links, they are about spread trading ( pairs trading)

There is a lot of free info. on the net, and in books.

You will not make money from someone elses "system"

When you have learnt a lot more, and practiced a lot, maybe you might look at the courses run by people on this board, but only if you think their "style" suits you.

Yes - you will spend a long time finding out what works, but other peoples "systems" will not help you. Stratagies are free - see Chartmans long threads on Dow trading, Rossored threads on forex etc. There are even threads on stratagies on this board but they are free.

People here may tell you that they studied most things under the sun. Some tried holy grails because no one was there to warn them. Others fell prey to scam artists. Many will tell you that after studying a myriad of indicators and systems, they ended up trading price and volume only (Perhaps with an indicator or two as a visual guide but not as a decision tool), but it was a long road.

Keep your money in your pocket for now, use simulators or demo accounts until you are ready to risk a little to watch your psychological reactions as you put money on the line.

The two people I know of who run courses on T2W teach a way of reading the market. They do not sell decision making sytems or stratagies which exclude your psychological self. The Blind Squirrel (TBS) who has been silent for a while, runs a TA course to train you to read a chart - again the decision to trade or not is yours alone. Knowing yourself and money management take time.

Before looking, at any course, find out what sort of trader you are ( short term, intraday, longterm, swingtrader etc). That way you narrow your field of research down to those things that require deeper study.

Oh well - back to my forex chart.

Good luck
Hi Gulam,

The site you refer to is concerned with Option Spreads and not stock spreads trading. Are you interested in Options and Option spreads?
Hi Guys,

As I am new to the world of trading, I am open to trade options or anything that I can learn to trade successfully. I don't want to trade everything, but trade something that has a long term support and coaching. Also with options I can leverage my money.
Also the guys that are teaching the options trading have made a lot of money.

made many good trades selling covered call options but todays prices are not as good as the bull market days
Hi BlueChip Trader,

I too and interested in Spread Trade Systems, Inc. Would you mind forwarding me the email you sent to Gulam?


Gulam - I stumbled upon this program after attending a free overview. After 3 phonecalls I was finally told this program costs $10,000. Pretty steep and why couldn't they confirm that from day one?