Spread Betting and CFD job


Junior member
Hi all,

I am currently looking to gain employment within a spread betting and Contracts for difference firm (preferably within a junior dealing role). I have recently completed (self funded) my SII exams: FSA Financial Regualation, and Securities. My question really is if any of you have ideas on how I could secure myself relevant experience within the industry, and what the best ways to go about gaining such experience would be.

I really would value any ideas from you. Prehaps some of you already work in the industry, or similar industry, and would be able to point me in the right direction.

What I basically dont want to do is get layed in some sales role, where there is no realistic chance of becoming a dealer.


Very much doubt they will take you on straight into a dealing role if you have no experiance. You should look to start on the Sales Trading or Client Services side of the business.
Very much doubt they will take you on straight into a dealing role if you have no experiance. You should look to start on the Sales Trading or Client Services side of the business.

Thats kind of what I thought, so thats what ill do. Got a couple of interviews lined up for next week. Ill make it clear that my eventual goal is to become a dealer (Prehaps after 6 months or so).

Thanks for your reply.