Spot Fx Rollovers


Junior member


Are there any brokers apart from CAPITAL SPREADS - which have a completley unreliable platform - that rollover spot fx overnight without realising the profit/loss like IG INDEX and only charge the carry interest? Trie a lot of spread betting comps. and they all seem to take profit/ loss on spots rollvers?

I think they all close one position and open a new one. If you are talking about unfair rollover costs take a look at GFT, they seem to apply fair daily rollovers based only on the interest rate differences (instead of adding a 2% p.a. on the underlying position value like most SB companies).
Are there any brokers apart from CAPITAL SPREADS - which have a completley unreliable platform - that rollover spot fx overnight without realising the profit/loss like IG INDEX and only charge the carry interest? Trie a lot of spread betting comps. and they all seem to take profit/ loss on spots rollvers?

Oanda credits/debits your account for the interest carry each day or when you close the trade as they do continuous interest. They don't do the exit/re-enter rollover thing.
With Alpari you also earn interest on long positions
But you pay interest on short positions i.e Swap
Have you thought of currency futures, either DMA or through a SB? Spreads are much wider for SB, but no rollovers and 24 hour trading.

Prefer SB -also sometimes do futures to hedge spot currency - guess just go with IG Index cos Capital Spreads platform is a peice of xxxx and let IG cash in (profit or) loss at 8pm and stay in market until postion reaches parity (I only ever roll spots when they are £ negative)