Sports vs Futures


Active member
Hi All,

It is noticable that there are number of sports trading houses popping up across the country. Does anyone here trade sports on a full time basis via Betfair / Betdaq. Has anyone made a transistion from trading futures to sports markets? It appears to be viable alternative as trading costs are lower, i.e you only pay comms on what you win rather than round trip costs, software is alot cheaper and there are varying strategies, not to disamilar to futures markets depending on your risk profile. I traded Bund Bobl and Schatz and recently become interested in these markets as I also played football at a high level so well into all sports really. Therefore would like to know if there are many out there doing this full time. The only downside i forsee is liqudity, i.e can you get enough on to make a decent enough profit in the long term. Reading various blogs there seems to be prople out there making well in exsess of 100K through these markets.


I am now in Portsmouth, used to live in London and also Spain... Was trading over at Refco who are now Marex..
There's a sports arcade in canary wharf that rents desks by the day if you're interested, maybe worth giving it a go for a week to see how you like it?
I have seen a few arcades are about now, defiantly interested, trying to see If anyone has made a transition from Futures to Sports really and how they have found it. Seems an interesting subject, as I said before only pay commision on winners so if you scalp you can be in and out as much as you like wihout cost or you can swing trade, or even play some strategies i.e Dutching / bookmaking... Also is currently Tax free. As I say the only limitations I forsee is liquidty on these markets.
spreadfair going down wasn't the greatest thing for liquidity. there are individual guys out there making markets privately and you'd be surprised how much they can take down....i'd love to know more about this...