A tricky issue. I routinely use the spell checker function but, unfortunately, that doesn't mean that my posts are free of spelling errors. As for grammar - let's not go there - please! The site attracts many people from around the globe for whom English isn't their first language. I'm sure I'm not alone in welcoming them wholeheartedly and being willing to overlook poor english and sometimes dreadful spelling. The site is better and the community is stronger with their input than it would otherwise be without it. As Searchlight implies, trading knowledge and skill don't necessarily translate into grammatically correct and error free english. That said, I can't stand reading posts that are written like phone text messages, where no punctuation is used and the few complete words that exist are riddled with basic spelling errors. I'm going to sit on the fence regarding this issue, with one foot in each camp. It would be hypocritical for me to side completely with C_V, as I know my posts contain all manor of errors that those members who enjoy a better command of the language than me would regard as elementary and, perhaps even, unacceptable. Now, what must I do before I hit the 'submit reply' button . . . 😉