Sources for free historical intraday stock index data


Hi Guys,

I am currently writing a research paper for my MSc, focusing on the extent to which higher frequency data suits particular market conditions when forecasting volatility using MIDAS regression. Basically I am comparing the usefulness of higher frequency data when forecasting the volatility of emerging market indices (Bovespa, BSE, Merval, TWII, JKSE etc) to that of developed economies (S&P500, FTSE, DAX, NIKKEI etc).

So far I have only found the following source for such data:

Finam Russian Brokerage Company😀ata Export

However, it is fairly limited in the emerging markets it lists and data only goes back as far as Dec 2002. I was hoping to obtain data for a year prior to this, starting Dec 2001. Also I'm not too sure as to the accuracy of this data.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thekulsk is online now Add to thekulsk's Reputation Report Post Reply With Quote
hello kulsk, i can give you my copy of 60 min BSE(bombay stock exchange) data from 1999 year and NSE 60 min data from nov 2001. Data is in metastock format and i use it personally everyday to trade(i bought it from the best data provider in india).

But in return i also want intraday dow data from you. i want to test my system on the US markets.

Do reply if interested. i will email you the data
Hi Guys,

I am currently writing a research paper for my MSc, focusing on the extent to which higher frequency data suits particular market conditions when forecasting volatility using MIDAS regression. Basically I am comparing the usefulness of higher frequency data when forecasting the volatility of emerging market indices (Bovespa, BSE, Merval, TWII, JKSE etc) to that of developed economies (S&P500, FTSE, DAX, NIKKEI etc).

So far I have only found the following source for such data:

Finam Russian Brokerage Company😀ata Export

However, it is fairly limited in the emerging markets it lists and data only goes back as far as Dec 2002. I was hoping to obtain data for a year prior to this, starting Dec 2001. Also I'm not too sure as to the accuracy of this data.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thekulsk is online now Add to thekulsk's Reputation Report Post Reply With Quote

the above mentioned website is worthless! Manys hours of data is missing in between. There are many errors in the data for all indices. i tested many indices using the data from above mentioned site. Dont use it for any trading purpose otherwise u will lose ur everything!
the above mentioned website is worthless! Manys hours of data is missing in between. There are many errors in the data for all indices. i tested many indices using the data from above mentioned site. Dont use it for any trading purpose otherwise u will lose ur everything!

Hi, as I'm not using the data to trade and purely for research purposes I will see how the finam data fares for now. I am also in the process of sourcing more reliable data through a contact at a bank. As your data is 60-min data I'm afriad this would be of no use to me as I'm specifically interested in higher frequency data (5-min possibly 1-min). Thanks for your response.

the above mentioned website is worthless! Manys hours of data is missing in between. There are many errors in the data for all indices. i tested many indices using the data from above mentioned site. Dont use it for any trading purpose otherwise u will lose ur everything!

I am Gaurav Udani , M 4m mumbai , Your 60 mins intraday data would be of real help yo me , but i am afraid i dont have any internationl data to offer , but if u can still mail me the data i will be obliged
Email ( [email protected])
Thank you