Somewhat beginner question.


Hello friends,
I just had a question regarding choosing certain stocks. I have been trading for a bit and I have made some successful trades based on obvious technical analysis trends (MACD, ADX+/-, RSI, Stochastic Oscillators D/K, volume rate of change, etc...) However there are situations where I am dumbfounded and completely unsure. One of these for example, is when a company is making it to a new high. I never buy these because, I am thinking it has already reached its ceiling, however other fellow traders tell me I miss out on opportunities, any hints on what I should look for? If somebody is looking at this today: NYSE: WNC is one such example.

Thanks for any input.
Best Regards,
Ilya :smart:
I recommend you dont buy highs or sell lows. Better to wait for a pull back to get on the trend. If you really dont want to missout then buy a Marker Lot at the highs. This will help you track the pull back better.