Slow loading pages, unable to post at all now


Experienced member

just wondering if there is any known issue that I am suffering from - over the last few days, T2W has really slowed down in my browser and often the whole page doesn't load.

I can't post at all, I get timeouts.

I'm posting this from my hosted server so I figure it's either my network or my broadband connection doing something funny, although what I don't know since as far as I am aware, neither has changed over the last couple of months.

Any ideas?

We weren't aware of any problems but someone else has reported some issues, so we'll investigate. If anyone else is having similar problems, please let us know. Thanks!
it has improved slightly at this point and I can post again. It's all still slow though.
I also have seen very long loading times for the site on home PC this evening and recently, not at work, so I did assume it was my home machine / service but maybe not.
This happened earlier to me today.

It was not just trade2win it was other sites including twitpic.

I had a very long conversation with an idiot at BT about it. Sharky I've sent you a chat log in a machievellian attempt to hope you will do something about deleting my posts!
No it's not BT, it's a routing issue but BT would have the capability to bypass this issue if they would have let me speak to a member of staff who knew what they were talking about... however such a thing does not exist at BT
This sounds like the problem could be it as I have BT broadband at home but the laptop works on 3 and work is another provider.

Is there a message BT customers could send to them that would make it plain what the issue is and that we are all being affected in the same way? I hesitate to get in touch with them as an individual as I am sure they will start the whole fault investigation process and treat my issue as a separate fault.
Not really, you would need a competent person at their tech support.

I have a chat log with them I will go through and suitably anonymise later which contains some relevant information.
At this point in time, all T2W pages and posts are loading fine. Hopefully it will stay that way, but I wouldn't trust BT to let that happen.
The only major fault I've brought BT in on, they displayed the very best customer communications standards - I had an Indian call centre ringing almost hourly to check all details re the fault, if it was still occurring, if I would be in when their engineer came, if I would still be in as the appointment neared, if the engineer had been, if I was satisfied with what he had said, and on and on.

But they didn't cure the fault. Definitely 1:0 for the Indan call centre operators over BT engineering.
It's probably cheaper to get Indian call centre staff to try really hard than it is to get someone in the UK to sort something out.