Skimming Fat


Due to the economic issues across the globe, my chosen profession of programming / web development has taken an hit, this has compelled me to try my luck trading on the stock markets (something I've always wanted to do anyhow).

Currently my tactic is to use "skim fat", e.g. I buy MSFT, GOOG, LON:IMG and a few others whilst low (given the climate) then within a week or even a few days give the change in value I sell when within profit. It's not making me a living yet on the cash I've set aside for this, but I'm in profit except some minor negatives with AAPL and BIDU, but neither of which I put much into, I can sell these 2 at a loss now and not feel depressed about it.

My favoured stocks to do this are MSFT and LON:IMG, which I've quit routinely made ~£100 per cycle due to the fluctuations.

Is this normal trading behaviour?
Unless you know what is going on, picking bottoms is the best way to empty an account.

If you bought RBS two weeks ago, you'd have paid 41.9p which was "cheap" compared to what it was a while before...
if you'd bought it 10minutes ago you'd still be down about 10%!!!! ouch