Simple trading versus complicated trading


Active member
I've been reading a lot of stuff about simple easy ways to make money in the markets, Forex, Futures, Stocks, by uncomplicated trading methods. By using few as possible if any indicators and judging the trends and setups by simply knowing time frames and when to enter the trend. Of course there is a cost, some not to expensive to downright thousands of dollars, which I can't afford anyway. But short of having a personnel coach or mentor are these courses valid or are these methods something you just pickup along the way while learning your own style of trading.
I've been reading a lot of stuff about simple easy ways to make money in the markets, Forex, Futures, Stocks, by uncomplicated trading methods. By using few as possible if any indicators and judging the trends and setups by simply knowing time frames and when to enter the trend. Of course there is a cost, some not to expensive to downright thousands of dollars, which I can't afford anyway. But short of having a personnel coach or mentor are these courses valid or are these methods something you just pickup along the way while learning your own style of trading.

Read all the threads on mentoring and you will see its not worth it. you have to learn it for yourself,no one can teach you how your emotion will react once you are in a trade. If there was a course that gave us simple rules that worked,wed have all taken it by now
There's always going to be a cost, either financial, time, health, relationships etc. Its your choice really in which currency you decide to pay, although its doubtful you can buy what you want with money.

Simple methods can be extremely effective, the main benefit is that they allow you to focus on whats important
If you're interested in simple strategies read the 3 ducks thread in forex section here. With some fairly basic PA reading and a lot of practice and demo'ing you have a v simple strategy which I wld expect is better than anything you have to pay for. I am not saying simple = easy (money management is as per the norm key), far from it, but its v effective if traded correctly(I have traded smthg v similar before when positional trading). Refining entry / exit points will also add to the difficulty in optimising this type of strategy, imo. But even if its not for you its a great example of how strategies really do not need to be difficult.

Making money in forex is never easy btw.

(I don't use this system myself).
Simple methods can be extremely effective, the main benefit is that they allow you to focus on whats important

I agree and they are usually less subjective so you don't get so many, "should I, shouldn't I?" moments of indecision...

I like keeping it simple with price action, especially for long term positions but when scalping I use a bit more complication with a few indi's with bullpips.

Suppose it's down to each individuals preference tho...
I believe simplest trading strategies are best but not just because the trades are easier to manage - through clear and easy to remember ruile sets.

Simpler approaches are measurable and replicable, meaning they make profit otherwside than via a one-off inspired decision or via intuition. If you can do something you understand today, you can do it tomorrow.

Not only that, the simpler approach can be enhanced, and focusing on a single parameter at a time means that the most effective adjustments can be made quickly, and the effects of trial enhamcenents can be closely measured and either retained, rejected or taken further.

Simple trading strategies are easier to log and if you're not measuring what you're doing you might be doing the wrong thing.
I think that most things can be taught, and I would include currency trading among them - I myself went on a course, as I was a blank canvas coming from an unrelated industry it worked for me. My trading style is basically S&R mixed with PA, this is something that can be learned for free from the various internet resources available. Some will prefer the contextualized scenario of structured learning, able to ask questions in context, with a consistent set of teaching, development etc., as well as other class members at around the same experience level. Others will prefer to self teach. Both work well, as long as the individual concerned is a good fit, both for currency trading and for the particular learning style. Similarly, coaching/mentoring can work well for some, not so well for others. There are many variables, not least the aptitude of the student and the quality of the coach, both as a coach and as a trader. Unfortunately, much of this is not apparent from the outset, but will only be learned through experience, so there will always be unhappy tales. Most things boil down to an element of trial and error!

What is certainly true is that no coach can replace the need for hard work. I had a coach for over a year, it brought me on enormously, gave me valuable insights, massively improved my trading and accelerated my learning a great deal... but I still had to work very hard at my trading.

Personally, I trade simply S&R/PA, I found a coach very helpful, but the only essential element is hard work and the consistent, mechanical execution of an effective strategy, imho.

its certainly a connundrum ..........I am very guilty of overcomplicating things and more recently was trying to overlay even more stuff on the bloated system rules

I am currently stepping back and reviewing everything .......and starting again if necessary

for me the art is using relevent information that is just enough to understand exactly when you enter and when you exit

the rest is noise.....and humans love noise

I want to know if all the trading platforms are following the same system. Because I don't know about complicated or simple here. All I know is if I am making some money...Can any body suggest me a better way to learn trading...
It was Einstein that said that everything should be made as simple as possible - but no simpler ! What is simple to one maybe be wholly over-complicated to another. Whatever works for you is the answer -as long as you undertand it and it it produces a consistent reliable net gain over any given future sample of times it sets-up- whether or not others may think of it as simple or overly complicated is irrelevant. As to how you get to that stage of having an edge is something you will or will not develop for yourself as your trading journey develops.


I've been reading a lot of stuff about simple easy ways to make money in the markets, Forex, Futures, Stocks, by uncomplicated trading methods. By using few as possible if any indicators and judging the trends and setups by simply knowing time frames and when to enter the trend. Of course there is a cost, some not to expensive to downright thousands of dollars, which I can't afford anyway. But short of having a personnel coach or mentor are these courses valid or are these methods something you just pickup along the way while learning your own style of trading.
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