simple simon powerhouse


Active member
hey guys

I'm not gonna bother you very long but after i typed that riduculous tread with my mecanical exit that keeps repainting i thought that the least i can do is show you another indicator that those who don't have something similair might be intrested to buy.It comes from the simple simon forex system.

Now after i realized that one of my indicators keeps repainting I though it's not really the piont of entry that's the problem it's this sloppy indicator that keeps repainting so i dropped that and added a powerhouse of an indicator.This time i assure you it does not repaint!you wait for it to turn red or blue and then for the candle to close.You exit the trade on the open of the next candle.If you look at the chart you will see.

Now i think you guys will agree that capturing those big moves are important so you need an indicator that allows you to do that.This one does a mighty fine job.The first chart is the indicator with the author's trading system.But i took the s.s alert indicator and added it to another system that has a sloppy mecanical exit.

It simple the s.s alert indicator needs to be blue and the cross the weigted ma from below to above.However by adding this indicator to a diffrent system i think you get something that's better than both of them now you can use this simple simon indicator with other indicators but you might consider buying it cause it's really good.

This new system the simon indicator needs to be blue goldminer 2 needs to have a blue bar once you get a blue heiken ashi you enter at the open of the next candle and stay in the trend until the simon indicator turns red.

If you want the simon indicator ,unless you have someting similair this indicator can make any trading system much better you can get it on tradebit.


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hey guys

I just want to show you something,though i've made a fool out of myself with the other system i raved about(i've been scammed by the way) I think that this powerhouse indicator is worty of being raved about and no it does not repaint.

Now trading during the recommended trading hours this really is a very good system i don't think i have to say anything but show you the chart which talks for itself.You must also remember that trading this indicator on the 5m frame you use a stop-loss of 10 pips that's a very good potentail risk/reward ratio.

Now on to the chart on the left you have a buy trade that goes nowhere but still profitable and then you have a real nice sell trade as i said there is specific hours to trade this indicator.Conbimning it with heiken ashi you cannot deny the power of these two indicators together though in works just as well the way the author of simple sam intended it to be traded using heiken ashi you get crystal clear entries which is not always the case in the orginal system well that's what i think anyway just look at the damn chart


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hey guys

I had my first live winning trade of my career today,what was your first time like?it also happens to be my second trade of my merge system which is basically the simple simon indicator with a standard heiken ashi.This will be the last chart i will post on simple simon,if you consider to buy it I have helped you in your search for good indicators.

trading live sure is stressfull luckily everything I do is simple and basically mecanical.I just have to apply discipline and go through the motions.Now on to the chart.

I entered a buy trade and got a loss of 10 pips.But my system when traded during the first three hours of the london session has the habit that if the first trade went nowhere the second trade almost alwyas go somewhere if if only for 20 pips.On the second trade I captured 40 pips of the potential 55 pips.Giving me a net profit of 30 pips for the day.

With a 10 pip stoploss I made 3$ for every dollar i risked.This simple simon is a really good indicator and at 35$ it's a real bargain.Have a look at the chart consider it.

thank you


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As you know Christiaan ( I have already sent you a PM ) this Simple Simon indicator re-paints.

After yesterday's fiasco with Atlantic Winds I took the liberty of sending off a quick email to the Simple Simon creator to ask if it repainted. I am not sure I fully understand the response but here it is ..................

Hi, your right, they are the only indicators in the system that do repaint but they are not useless. They are zig-zag pointers with an audio and visual alert programmed into them and they are only used as alerts to enter and to exit a trade. They work excellent in this capacity as they prevent you from having to stare at your charts for long periods of time. The alert arrow to enter most always gives you a valid entry alert within 30 to 10 minutes before you need to pull the trigger while the exit alert usually alerts you about 10 to 15 minutes before time to exit the trade with maximum profits so like I said we do not trade the arrows but they are very efficient and accurate doing what I designed them to do in the system. Of course the above example is trading my favorite time frame, the 5 minute chart. Hope this helps. Happy Trading and Cheers, Vickie
P.S. The other two indicators are leading indicators which make this a very lucrative trading system.

I would be surprised if this were any better than Atlantic Fa*rts but you never know I guess.

Just thought I would help out.
people arent going to believe you if you switch from one system to the other and keep saying how good they are,particularly if you have only started to trade live.The powerhouse look to be nothing more than bars changing colours,most software can adapt to do that.
you're wrong.The way the system works it only repaints with a live candle.once you've waited for the candle to close it's done.When you are in a trade and the simple simon indicator start changing colour you wait for that candle to close.Now this morning when I made 40 pips with my live trade it repainted several times but by the end when the candle closed it did switch to the right colour.

You will see in my trade i enterd this morning I waited for the candle to close the opposite colour before i exited.You will also notice that right after that prices imediatly reversed.In short if the simple simon indicator changes colour and if it remains that colour until that candle closes you will see it.Now this means that while a candle is live it will switch back and forth but you wait for the remainder of that candle to finish before you act.

most of the time it will be 2 to 3 minutes if the colour of the indicator was blue when it closed it will remain blue like any normal repainting indicator

Having siad that I did enter a couple of live trades with the simple simon and using heiken ashi with it it works.The fact that only two of then were with real cash one I might add where i did capture 40 of the potentail 55 pips i can tell you this is a very good indicator.

Look at the charts you will see this indicator does keep you in the trend and it does give you very good exits while it repainst from time to time with a live candle it wo'nt repaint once the candle closed.Having traded this one live i can guarantee you that that is how this one works.

By the way mister alantic does not repaint like normal indicators repaint .Mister alantic deliberlty deceived me.How can any indicator causaully repaints the last 4 bars so that it looks like it it gave strong signals

don't let me making a fool out myself with mister alantic cloud your judgment when it comes to simple simon.As i said i did trade this one live two of them real cash one 10 pip loss one 40 pip profit with a stop-loss of only 10 pips.1/4 risk/ reward ratio on a 5m frame is'nt that fairly good?If you look at my charts you will see that's it's capable of much much more.
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I made another 12 pips today though I have to admit I did bend the rules a little.My trade max potentail was about 24 pips but after it ran into resistance with multiple touch points it started reversing at a rather fast pace I i just could not wait for my candle to close before i exited.Giving me a small 12 pip gain.

At least if I did wait for the candle to close I wll still would have had a few pips profit.So after my first two days of my career trading live i'm up 42 pips.With a stop-loss of 10 pips it gives me a total risk/reward ratio of 1/4 plus 2 pips.So for every dollar i risked I made 4.

But being so new to live trading i'm stressing a lot.I stress morning day and night.If i'm not in a live trade I worry what's gonna happen tomorrow.When i'm in a live trade I feel like i'm about to meet death in a gladiator arena.

I already have a couple of backup systems in place some I have not even bought yet.But I quess that emotional muturity when it comes to trading will only come with time and hopefully good results.Luckily I can't trade tomorrow so i will go into the weekend with my 42 pips.
I made another 12 pips today though I have to admit I did bend the rules a little.My trade max potentail was about 24 pips but after it ran into resistance with multiple touch points it started reversing at a rather fast pace I i just could not wait for my candle to close before i exited.Giving me a small 12 pip gain.

At least if I did wait for the candle to close I wll still would have had a few pips profit.So after my first two days of my career trading live i'm up 42 pips.With a stop-loss of 10 pips it gives me a total risk/reward ratio of 1/4 plus 2 pips.So for every dollar i risked I made 4.

Whilst you have had a good start with your live trades, you must realise what Heiken Ashi is, and establish the advantages and disadvantages to using this style of display within this system.

You have already admitted that you had to "bend the rules" to get your points today, and thats fine if you can understand what is going on.

What I dont understand is why you want to stay in a trade that has come to resistance (defined by you) only to decide to get out when the market starts to come back towards you, or even worse you wait for the bar to change the opposite colour.

Heiken Ashi always makes charts look nice and smooth and appears to be in nice trends that anyone can just jump on board and enjoy the ride.

Using a system like this means you will miss out on so many opportunities (such as reversing your position at resistance and going short).

I cant take a system called "Simple Simon" too seriously. Maybe it will yield profits for you, and if so good for you. But you are seriously limiting yourself and your results using a system like this.
I don't quite agree with you wallstreet warrior I'm only using heiken ashi to find my entry it's simple simon that's the powerhouse and i'm gonna tell you why it think so.I believe that the best shot you got is to

1.Have something that's mecanical and simple
2.get's you in those big trades and then gives you a mecanical exit so that you can capture the better half of it

The real strenght of this system is that your biggest winning trade can be 4 times bigger than your biggest losing trade on a 5m frame.With my live real cash trades that's the case however concernig last week 1/4 risk/reward ratio is cheap change cause when the market really moves you can make 60 70 80 pips with a 10 pip stop-loss.Will you get big trades like this every other day ofcourse not but after three live trades I need 4 consecutive losing trades to be at breakeven piont.For all i know i might make 50 pips in the next trade then I'll need 9 consecutive losing trades to be at breakeven piont cause this system is most definelty capable of capturing 50 pips with a 10 pip stop-loss.

Plus i'm still a very weak emotional trader I stress alot I second quess myself a lot right now I need something that's this simple that actually works and looking at my three live trades plus my live demo trades i think that's exactly what I have.Thank you for you input.
dammit I made a mistake not trading today.My trading system works damm well right after 7 am gmt time.Af my 3 real cash live trades i'm up 40 pips i need 4 consective losing trades to be at breakeven piont but all of them is opened within in minutes of the 7am gmt time bracket.

a 40 pip cushion is not enough to make me relax i would much rather have a 60 or 70 pip cushion then i'll know i've got a shot at making a good first month.If only i traded today.This might sound a little hypothetical but remember my system is propably
the most simplistic in the world.

Simple simon blue,heiken ashi blue enter a bluddy buy trade.


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