Simple MA / EMA Trading System for Dax

they spend millions (R&D?) but we find another way??? :clap:

what is that way, astrology? alchemy? a HULL MA😀

not trying make fun, but c'mon

mate, I've been round the block on this one, you sound young, like a student trying to find his way, your posts are full of insecurities.

If I've got to explain to you that you need to find another way & you clap like a child, then you are a long way off. I've explained I don't read mystic balls, astrology or alchemy, though maybe I might just take a look to improve my tarding !

Good luck to you mate, I hope the US session treats you with respect.
it's not about beating them, it's about joining them.

Algos are bs in their own right, they need constant tweaking, companies spend millions on their systems, we are retail, we find another way.

If someone is using Hull or whatever trigger they have settled on to achieve the joining of the ride, then fair play to them,

Over-complicate at your peril

In an earlier post you said, "All indies are in the bin".

Now, "It's not about beating them, it's a bout joining them".

First, by what source are you privy to their "mind?
Assuming, of course, they even have a collective mind.which is absurd..

They spend millions to R&D but you know what they're doing and emulate them?? which ones 😆

your making no sense
In an earlier post you said, "All indies are in the bin".

Now, "It's not about beating them, it's a bout joining them".

First, by what source are you privy to their "mind?
Assuming, of course, they even have a collective mind.which is absurd..

They spend millions to R&D but you know what they're doing and emulate them?? which ones 😆

your making no sense

I'm making no sense to a person that needed Darktone to practically explain the tarding gag to him before you got it !!

Look fella, I am not one of these forum wannabe bloggers trying to out post the other, but I'll lay a fact bare for you, 15 years ago my best mate set up the London trading office/arm for a big playing bank from your side of the water.
I watched him grow the infrastructure from an office with just him & just 2 other guys, 15 years later this is a 2000+ strong team of players & he is their boss. He took the turnover 15 years ago from 30 mil pa to god knows how many billion pa as of today.

Am I privy to their mind ???? errr that'll be a yes then !

I've never come on here pretending to be anything other than what I am, I suggest you do the same.
Guys, does anyone use a simple MA system for DAX which can be traded whilst at work?

DAX has horrible whipsaws, I find it difficult to trade as opposed to UK Stocks.

Anyone doing ok with DAX?

Any simple DAX setups you could share?

Thanks in advance

setup a couple ma's, nice and slow and ftrade the crossovers with limit orders.



simples 😀
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the contemporary "maths phd's" behind the creation of the algos (that control the markets) are laughing at us.

you won't beat them at there own game with a HULL MA or a Henkai-Ashi😴

IMHO, this is why a lot of people lose in the markets, the mentality of "its them versus us", your correct in your aspersion they control the markets, so why try and fight them?, its not you versus them, its you versus you, your ability to trade whats put on your screen in front of you. I learnt many moons ago never to try, guess, think, expect or anticipate the markets, those that do often imho, I've seen it many times over the years, get suckered into entering trades early, getting stopped out, and them seeing them price fly away, followed by the conspiracy theories of rigged markets, when simple bad entry points, still trading against the move of the market, confirming the trader is their worse enemy not the markets.

I'm not looking "to beat them at their own game", I don't view it as a competition of me versus them, I trade to make an income, and use their ability to influence the markets to my advantage by waiting for them to make the move, then I enter into a establishing momentum after the top or bottom is in and exit well before the move has finished. Doesn't always work, but works more times than not.
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As some have simply stated as a response, all indices have whipsaws. Or do you mean, actually, oscillations?

However, the initial question kicks off from conflicting purposes. Indices are great for day trading, as they react to mass behaviours very well. They were my first instruments - even if through CFD - when I switched my office job off and switched my trading life on. But, designing a trading plan that runs in parallel to a day job, as well as one that relies on Moving Averages, is contradicting the overall market behaviour that you summarise as whipsaws.

One suggestion would be, if you could manage to day trade, to use a combination of oscillation indicators. These will generate both long and short visions of mass balances, that will tell you when to fire an order and at what risk.