Simon Cawkwell, Evil Knievil

Hi sorry if I am being a bit nieve here but I have read a bit about Evil Knievil and found postings referring to things he has done. I have noticed from emails that I get that he has predicted a few things correctly.

Has anyone based their dealing heavily on his advice, and if so has it paid off? I mean if you found someone who constantly gave good advice you could almost sit back and let them tell you what to do and when, and being happy to except the few ones that went wrong considering the majority went right.

I know finding someone like that is a dealer's dream but Evil seems to be getting it right on the few odd tips I saw.

I see you can join on this site to receive his tips. Has anybody done that and how has it turned out?

I am interested but I get so many emails about tips and tipsters which when I check them out through google I find they are not worth get involved with.

Any info appreciated