Sii Exams & expiration period.


Junior member
Hi there everyone, I'm Rich and this is my first post on these boards!
Having browsed through the previous posts I've seen that the SII have a two-year window period before they expire? Is this correct?

If this is the way it works, is it two years from the day one takes a certain exam? Or two years from when one has completed all the correct exams to become certified? (if that makes sense)

I understand that the whole point of the exams is to become familiar with the regulation and practises of dealing in securities in the UK, so how often do the regs change?
Generally, if you have never been employed in an FSA registered role then 2 years from the date you passed the exam, so you could end up in the situation where your Unit 1 has expired but your Unit 2 is still valid.

The material/sylabus is up-dated about once a year and there can be some fairly substantial changes from year to year. I think colataralsied debt used to be really big in Unit 2 but think it's been completely pulled now.

Hope that helps.