

Hi all
Would like to ask if im the only one getting bad feeds from mytrack/sierrachart. Today started well on the currency mkt. Data started at 06:00 gmt made a couple of trades before work. Coming back i find data stopped at 13:00 hrs and the sierra charts no longer intraday updates. Mytrack say their end is fine ,sierra bomb me of to the help 3.1 file. Been there done all that last time. It seems there is a problem with Monday's and first day of the month. Bit like woman really. Is there a better charting package out there for similar value so i can sack the pair of them. Getting very annoyed with it all now.lost all confidence in them. 😢 Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Check the following:

Go to Windows Update and make sure that you have all critical updates installed.

Check your level of disk fragmentation and if necessary defragment your drives

There may be other reasons but these two are easy to check and can cause serious problems if not addressed.

Hi ivor

I had a problem last week where all the charts i had in the data file wouldn't load up, they just kept coming up blank for some reason.
Maybe i'll try trader 333's advice and see if that might fix the problem.

carlosd said:
Hi ivor

I had a problem last week where all the charts i had in the data file wouldn't load up, they just kept coming up blank for some reason.
Maybe i'll try trader 333's advice and see if that might fix the problem.

Cheers for the reply.
This morning when trying to force intraday data from a deleted point it worked fine. All charts now have yesterdays full intraday data.This happned last monday.I think mytrack cannot relay the first days data to the uk from the start of the week untill the day after. Seems to happen on first trading day of the month to. Will take this issue up with track again today. Happy again. 😆