Sierra/IB Feed

Les Battersby

Junior member
When using Sierra with IB data, the chart is running nearly two minutes behind TWS 🙁

The only suggestion on the Sierra Chart help/faq is to increase the computers memory or speed .

Is there anything else I can do first?

Any suggestions welcome.

Was previously using myTrack but hoped to kick that into touch for good.
Les, what do you mean the chart is running two minutes behind TWS exactly? Do you mean that the chart doesnt reflect price changes for two minutes after they've occured? How odd. However, there shouldnt be any issues with the IB feed if you had no problems with MyCrap. The IB feed in my experience is far more reliable and up to speed than MT.

What is the spec of your machine out of interest?
Les, what do you mean the chart is running two minutes behind TWS exactly? Do you mean that the chart doesnt reflect price changes for two minutes after they've occured? How odd. However, there shouldnt be any issues with the IB feed if you had no problems with MyCrap. The IB feed in my experience is far more reliable and up to speed than MT.

Yes rossored the prices on sierra appear approx two minutes behind, even when I logged out of TWS the prices continued updating for the two minutes so there is some delay within the PC as the myCrap feed was fine.

Fairly old PC Pentium 3 500 with 128mb RAM but should be able to handle it?

Will check out the link elsewhere in the thread.


I think IB say they do require a minimum of 750Mhz for TWS but I'm not totally sure : however, that's got me totally baffled!!! How the price feed keeps going 2 minutes after you've logged out is, well...... baffling. I dont know if there's some sort of buffer?

Have you tried the IB help desk?

Anyone else???😕
rossored said:
I think IB say they do require a minimum of 750Mhz for TWS but I'm not totally sure : however, that's got me totally baffled!!! How the price feed keeps going 2 minutes after you've logged out is, well...... baffling. I dont know if there's some sort of buffer?

Have you tried the IB help desk?

Anyone else???😕

The TWS works fine as did Sierra with the MyCrap feed, I'm not very techy but do you think increasing the memory from 128mb should help?

Today the feed was fine running just YM but when New York opened and the other symbols started to update, the delay started.
More RAM never did any harm and it's the cheapest way to upgrade.
One of my machines is an old P3 450 (OCd a little bit to 504) with 384 RAM. That's running Sierra from IB on the other machine.
Did you test at Pitstop?
oatman said:
More RAM never did any harm and it's the cheapest way to upgrade.
One of my machines is an old P3 450 (OCd a little bit to 504) with 384 RAM. That's running Sierra from IB on the other machine.
Did you test at Pitstop?

The Pitstop tests suggested more memory so that looks like the way to go - good site that thanks.

Any suggestions for a memory card - the machine is a Dell Dimension XPS T500

Many Thanks :cheesy:
Any suggestions for a memory card - the machine is a Dell Dimension XPS T500

Do you mean your type of RAM?
oatman said:
Any suggestions for a memory card - the machine is a Dell Dimension XPS T500

Do you mean your type of RAM?

The machine has 128mb RAM, just wanted a recommendation for a new memory card or are they all pretty much the same/should I buy one from Dell?
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Les Battersby said:
When using Sierra with IB data, the chart is running nearly two minutes behind TWS

Les, coming a little late to this, but I'm frankly amazed at the symptoms you are seeing! It seems to suggest Sierra is buffering the data, but how it's managing to do it for 2 mins is beyond me. No doubt memoery will help, but I'm not entirely sure it will solve this one.

You might find it worth raising this on the Sierra support forum (at the quality of support is generally excellent.
GreyingSurfer said:
Les, coming a little late to this, but I'm frankly amazed at the symptoms you are seeing! It seems to suggest Sierra is buffering the data, but how it's managing to do it for 2 mins is beyond me. No doubt memoery will help, but I'm not entirely sure it will solve this one.

You might find it worth raising this on the Sierra support forum (at the quality of support is generally excellent.

This is what is says on the Sierra Support Page

4.2 IB: If you're using the IB data service and you find that the prices in Sierra Chart are behind what you are seeing in the IB software, then you need to increase the speed of your computer. More memory may help also. This kind of problem is not a problem with the Sierra Chart software.

Anyway I've ordered an extra 256mb RAM, hopefully it should sort it, will let you know what happens.
GreyingSurfer said:
Les, coming a little late to this, but I'm frankly amazed at the symptoms you are seeing! It seems to suggest Sierra is buffering the data, but how it's managing to do it for 2 mins is beyond me. No doubt memoery will help, but I'm not entirely sure it will solve this one.

You might find it worth raising this on the Sierra support forum (at the quality of support is generally excellent.

Tried the extra memory and made no difference whatsover.

Did all the usual virus scans etc etc

The pcpitstop tests said CPU was at 100% load so the only thing I could think of was to reduce the number of symbols on TWS to the bare minimum and it works fine now and I am still collecting the same amount of data into Sierra

Thanks to all for assistance 😀
Did you post your test at Pitstop? 100% cpu is saying something is wrong. Sierra will not do that.