Show Your Charts Boys


Well-known member
Been recommended this setup by a pro let me know if I should delete or add anything you may think help me in my trading. Also, would like to see others charts.

On the top left, there's a heading telling you about the current daily range and average daily range. If it isn't too much trouble would you mind uploading this indicator please? I've looked all over the internet for a simple indicator like that but never found it.

Many thanks.

geez man, don't you think you got enough on that chart already? and you're actually asking if there is anything more you can add?
Thanks mate :D

I've seen, in person, a T2W member whose setup is far more complicated than that, and they're successful. Whatever works for you.
anything that helps mate think I will remove a few pivot points and put them on and off now and again as well as market momentum indicators.


Yeah, to be honest I totally believe in price action over indicators but in my opinion they don't hurt but add weight to probable outcomes. They work for some people and not others who in my opinion aren't very technical minded. Good luck with your trading.
OP: your chart looks very good. If you buy in the blue areas and sell in the red areas, you are going to make a killing. I am undecided about the yellow areas yet.
Here's my charts.. they work fine, this was as i just entered a long today on a tasty looking 123


  • Screen shot 2011-06-13 at 11.47.38.png
    Screen shot 2011-06-13 at 11.47.38.png
    325.3 KB · Views: 243
Here's my charts.. they work fine, this was as i just entered a long today on a tasty looking 123

why not use their (IG's) PRT advanced charts? PRT have made decent improvements of late, the charts automatically draw on trend lines etc. Very good package and free if you place a couple of bets a month..
Hey Swan, i did download the Advanced charts but didn't really like it much... although i may give it some more time, one of problems was that it slowed my mac down quite a bit but i have a computer on its way that will be better suited to trading... will give them another look then, do you think they have better function?
Hey Swan, i did download the Advanced charts but didn't really like it much... although i may give it some more time, one of problems was that it slowed my mac down quite a bit but i have a computer on its way that will be better suited to trading... will give them another look then, do you think they have better function?

to rent direct from PRT is circa 30 quid a month, to get them for nothing of IG (bar a couple of bets) is a big plus. Really good package for us retail chumps..;) Alert function is very good as are the recent improvements, you looked into Autochartist off IG? You can do a lot worse for pattern recognition..
Been recommended this setup by a pro let me know if I should delete or add anything you may think help me in my trading. Also, would like to see others charts.


Your chart just need a little more color, and the bollinger bands are nice for a visual river of traders. Who's the pro? You must tell us!!!JM
don't you think you got enough on that chart already? and you're actually asking if there is anything more you can add?
OP: your chart looks very good. If you buy in the blue areas and sell in the red areas, you are going to make a killing. I am undecided about the yellow areas yet.

Blue areas have a nasty habit of turning into red areas after you have entered and vice versa
Been recommended this setup by a pro let me know if I should delete or add anything you may think help me in my trading. Also, would like to see others charts.


You're shown as a "Coach/Trainer".......yet your posts are those of a beginner....ffs I can't be bothered to write anything further here...I've lost the will to read any more of this drivel(n)
to rent direct from PRT is circa 30 quid a month, to get them for nothing of IG (bar a couple of bets) is a big plus. Really good package for us retail chumps..;) Alert function is very good as are the recent improvements, you looked into Autochartist off IG? You can do a lot worse for pattern recognition..

Yeah i'll give the advanced ones more time, i have them ready to go (y)

Spoke to IG last night and they have sent me a video about them, so i'll look at it today
by "pro" i guess you mean "prostitute" ?
because you can't possibly be talking about a professional trader !

that chart makes me want to vomit