I’m a beginner trader and recently found one of those free Telegram signal channels. They post trades every day, and they have a VIP group with some more signals and extra benefits I think.....
I’m a bit skeptical because fist of all why would they provide some signals for free, if it is making profits, and if their signals were so amazing, wouldn’t they just quietly trade and make money instead of running a whole marketing campaign?
The thing is I do kinda want to join the VIP for the fact that their free signals are quite good so far, should I join the VIP or just stick with the free stuffs for now?
this is the channel link, would appreciate some professional feedbacks if the signals they are giving are legit, thanks
I’m a bit skeptical because fist of all why would they provide some signals for free, if it is making profits, and if their signals were so amazing, wouldn’t they just quietly trade and make money instead of running a whole marketing campaign?
The thing is I do kinda want to join the VIP for the fact that their free signals are quite good so far, should I join the VIP or just stick with the free stuffs for now?
this is the channel link, would appreciate some professional feedbacks if the signals they are giving are legit, thanks