Short term investing

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I only have about £500, which I can invest in shares. What are the best strategies for stocks on the AIM and LSE. Have been keeping a very close eye on RNS every day practically every hour and familiarising myself with what makes those small rises and those small profits. Only looking to make small profits but frequently. Don't mind putting all eggs in one basket, as long as there is a swift small profit.
to saa

It all looks so ease to newbies, till you try in for real, if you only got that much look in a method called dogs of the Dow and buy the most shitiest 5 shares and hold it for 12 months it returns something like an Avr of 27% a year you can also play it on the ftse.

Just type in google and search for dogs of the Dow.

you won't like my advice but nevertheless it is that if you only
have £500 don't try and trade with it. It's not nearly enough.
even at £1 a point.

This is a risk business.