Short Term - High Return Online Trading

Shane L

Hello everybody! I’m hoping that somebody may be able to provide some feedback on short term / high return online trading. I’m currently working on a term project titled “Short Term - High Return Online Trading”.

The objective of the project is to identify online trading opportunities of any type that have the potential to provide substantial returns in the short term. I am starting with $5000 (real cash) and I need to make a minimum of 100 trades in 3 months.

My bankroll and returns can all be used in any way that I choose as long as all trades are justified and documented. We are being encouraged to diversify our portfolio with some unique hybrid type investments.

I am currently looking at a few websites that offer “Binary Options”. Does anybody have an opinion on online binary options trading? What are the best binary options websites?

I am looking forward to, and would greatly appreciate any feedback/ suggestions/ strategies/ advice/ comments/ etc.
