Shock & pleasure with Betsfortraders


Junior member
What a rollercoaster ride I had with BetsForTraders this morning!

I only found out about them through reading the only book currently in print on the subject - aptly called "binary betting" by John Piper.

Incidentally, his website is well worth a look - click on John Piper's Home Page and then when you get there, click on the word "Academy" (just under his left hand) & scroll down this long single page - it's fascinating.

I was so taken with his piece about "taking just five points" out of the market that I've written a spreadsheet which shows a fictional trading account where 5 points are taken by six £100 contracts a day.

Click this link to just view the external appearance of the spreadsheet and to scroll down and see the numbers inflate

After glancing it, you can understand why Einstein said that the most amazing thing on Earth was compound interest. You start making a small profit consistently, and as this is regularly added to the Total Capital sum, so those 5 points return more actual cash - and then it snowballs!

I know you seasoned traders out there will say:

"Consistent regular profits, even of just 5 points, are a pipe-dream",

but its still interesting to examine how quickly the small figures become big ones.

Anyway, back to BetsForTraders. I'm only used to trading screens like binarybets, where they always quote a buy and a sell price.

Imagine my horror when a trade started to go against me, and I realised there was no "Sell" button to get me out of the trade with only a small loss - it was heart-breaking watching an early profit of about £25 on a bet of £244 start to turn around and show a loss increasing as prices lower than the purchase price started to move across the screen:

229, 221, 219, 214...

Desperately I phoned their 0800 number and was promptly connected to a knowledgable man - "Sorry, but if the conditions aren't met at the end-time for the trade, then I'm afraid you lose the lot. We are investigating adding a resale facility to that Binary Range trade you've entered, and Selling is available on the trades you can see when you click on the link marked Binary Bets".

So that was that - the FTSE had moved out of the 30 point range I'd setup and so naturally the price was dropping.

Yes, you've guessed it - during that panicky time the index had moved just above the 30 point upper limit, and as the closedown time of 12:05 approached, it slipped nicely back into the zone and they returned £300 on the £244 bet.

The various ways you can arrange to show prices and to run a betting market are quite fascinating.

The other good thing about BetsForTraders is they will let you trade pretend money known as Virtual Dollars (so don't be surprised to see a large number of V$ on your statement when you open it.

And please - play around with them before you rush into a trade - don't follow my example.

If you'd like to see the formulas and stuff in the spreadsheet, then I can send you a copy if you send me your e-mail address and put the word (Spreadsheet) in brackets next to it.

Farewell from a Newbie Binary Bettor.
What a rollercoaster ride I had with BetsForTraders this morning!

I only found out about them through reading the only book currently in print on the subject - aptly called "binary betting" by John Piper.

Incidentally, his website is well worth a look - click on John Piper's Home Page and then when you get there, click on the word "Academy" (just under his left hand) & scroll down this long single page - it's fascinating.

I was so taken with his piece about "taking just five points" out of the market that I've written a spreadsheet which shows a fictional trading account where 5 points are taken by six £100 contracts a day.

Click this link to just view the external appearance of the spreadsheet and to scroll down and see the numbers inflate

After glancing it, you can understand why Einstein said that the most amazing thing on Earth was compound interest. You start making a small profit consistently, and as this is regularly added to the Total Capital sum, so those 5 points return more actual cash - and then it snowballs!

I know you seasoned traders out there will say:

"Consistent regular profits, even of just 5 points, are a pipe-dream",

but its still interesting to examine how quickly the small figures become big ones.

Anyway, back to BetsForTraders. I'm only used to trading screens like binarybets, where they always quote a buy and a sell price.

Imagine my horror when a trade started to go against me, and I realised there was no "Sell" button to get me out of the trade with only a small loss - it was heart-breaking watching an early profit of about £25 on a bet of £244 start to turn around and show a loss increasing as prices lower than the purchase price started to move across the screen:

229, 221, 219, 214...

Desperately I phoned their 0800 number and was promptly connected to a knowledgable man - "Sorry, but if the conditions aren't met at the end-time for the trade, then I'm afraid you lose the lot. We are investigating adding a resale facility to that Binary Range trade you've entered, and Selling is available on the trades you can see when you click on the link marked Binary Bets".

So that was that - the FTSE had moved out of the 30 point range I'd setup and so naturally the price was dropping.

Yes, you've guessed it - during that panicky time the index had moved just above the 30 point upper limit, and as the closedown time of 12:05 approached, it slipped nicely back into the zone and they returned £300 on the £244 bet.

The various ways you can arrange to show prices and to run a betting market are quite fascinating.

The other good thing about BetsForTraders is they will let you trade pretend money known as Virtual Dollars (so don't be surprised to see a large number of V$ on your statement when you open it.

And please - play around with them before you rush into a trade - don't follow my example.

If you'd like to see the formulas and stuff in the spreadsheet, then I can send you a copy if you send me your e-mail address and put the word (Spreadsheet) in brackets next to it.

Farewell from a Newbie Binary Bettor.

Completely amazing. Two or three years and you will own every penny in the world. Wait a minute, if this is the case, then why doesn't John Piper already do so? Oh, of course, you forgot to factor in your losses. Silly me. Ah, well, back to the drawing board.
thats the worst bit of spami've seen on this site, didnt even bother read past the second link😴😴
You are wise...

thats the worst bit of spami've seen on this site, didnt even bother read past the second link😴😴

I liked reading about your stream of trades reported at:

You are wise to be looking in the binary betting section of T2W as you appear to be severely undercapitalised for spreadbetting.

That's the great thing about binary betting...

oh, I won't go on - I forgot - you find it hard to get beyond the second link.

Good luck
Binary bet providers have their own ceiling!

Completely amazing. Two or three years and you will own every penny in the world. Wait a minute, if this is the case, then why doesn't John Piper already do so? Oh, of course, you forgot to factor in your losses. Silly me. Ah, well, back to the drawing board.

Yes, I take your point, but it is sometimes interesting to come at a problem from an unconventional angle.

All the training seminars I've been on talk about "don't bother putting on the trade if its not expected to return at least three-fold the original stake" so I found it refreshing for someone to suggest I consider looking at things from a different point of view.

I know its a bit of a phantasy to imagine that your own account could escalate like that, but it is interesting to see the incredible power of repeated small returns - I was very surprised at how quickly the cumulative total becomes enormous.

And even if you do find a method that does duplicate these returns, the binary betting providers set a maximum stake, so its impossible to place the later trades that make a million on one line.

Like you say, back to the drawing board.
I liked reading about your stream of trades reported at:

You are wise to be looking in the binary betting section of T2W as you appear to be severely undercapitalised for spreadbetting.

That's the great thing about binary betting...

oh, I won't go on - I forgot - you find it hard to get beyond the second link.

Good luck


bravo, its refreshing to see you come back with something original rather then the normal.....who me? spam, never, was only trying to help etc etc
Did you catch this week's down trend?


bravo, its refreshing to see you come back with something original rather then the normal.....who me? spam, never, was only trying to help etc etc

How's the trading going?

I notice you haven't been keeping your thread up to date.

Sorry if that's my fault for distracting you by posting about alternative approaches that you consider unworthy.

Did you catch this week's downtrend?

What indicators do you use, and did they tell you to prepare for significant shorting?

Please help an easily dismissed binary bettor.
Trading is going great, its not you that distracted me from my thread its my trading!

Below is what I caught from yesterdays action, Dont need indicators to see a consolidation, downwards continuation was always most likely however I am rather fond of pivot points.

Have a nice day😉

DealTime Trade ID Order ID Order Type Stock/Index You Bought (Sold) Price
07:20:08 116897439 116897439 Market US30 (10.00) 12,186.00000000
15:43:54 116961336 116961336 Limit US30 10.00 12,045.00000000

CMC Markets UK Plc acted as principal and on an execution only basis in respect of the above transactions. You shall be deemed to have accepted the transaction(s) listed above unless we receive notice of your objections. The approximate time of execution can be notified on request. Please refer to our Terms of Business.

CFD Position Summary - close of business 18-Jun-2008

US30 Index Spot US30 Spot Price USD
CFD Trade 116897439 (10.00) 12,186.00000000 121,860.00
CFD Trade 116961336 10.00 12,045.00000000 (120,450.00)


After Trading 0.00 N/A 1,410.00


Mark To Market 0.00 N/A 0.00


Trading Profit (Loss) USD Equiv 1,410.00 USD
Nice return for 8 hours work!

Trading is going great, its not you that distracted me from my thread its my trading!

Below is what I caught from yesterdays action, Dont need indicators to see a consolidation, downwards continuation was always most likely however I am rather fond of pivot points.

I'll prove I'm a newbie by saying pivot points are news to me, but I like the way you rely on your eyes for pattern recognition to see what the chart is telling you.

That's a great result for 8 hours work - well done.

I got whipped bad in yesterday's turbulent moves on the Dow Jones - should have stood aside - those massive surges and falls came out of nowhere - well that's how it felt.

Kind regards,