A fool offYou could pimp your sister(s).
Iran 🙁They are just being funny ( I hope ) in suggesting illegal activities.
If your country has anything worth looking at or doing then tourism is a great business.
If your country makes stuff - it might sell abroad.
If your country needs stuff then import it.
Trading is a great sedentry life but takes time to perfect. If you got brains try it out.
Which country are you in ?
If you have talent then exploit it
If you have money exploit other people's talents.
etc etc
hi , i wanna set up a new business with my friend , we both are doing master , and just could manage to prepare a place , we want Sb to guide us that what kind of business we can do best 🙂
Iran 🙁
The cradle of civilization etc
A fool off
The best business to do is teach trading. You can charge 7000 a student and you don't need to know how to trade.