setting up a new business

They are just being funny ( I hope ) in suggesting illegal activities.

If your country has anything worth looking at or doing then tourism is a great business.

If your country makes stuff - it might sell abroad.

If your country needs stuff then import it.

Trading is a great sedentry life but takes time to perfect. If you got brains try it out.

Which country are you in ?

If you have talent then exploit it

If you have money exploit other people's talents.

etc etc
They are just being funny ( I hope ) in suggesting illegal activities.

If your country has anything worth looking at or doing then tourism is a great business.

If your country makes stuff - it might sell abroad.

If your country needs stuff then import it.

Trading is a great sedentry life but takes time to perfect. If you got brains try it out.

Which country are you in ?

If you have talent then exploit it

If you have money exploit other people's talents.

etc etc
Iran 🙁
hi , i wanna set up a new business with my friend , we both are doing master , and just could manage to prepare a place , we want Sb to guide us that what kind of business we can do best 🙂


If you want serious answers, you've come to the wrong forum, unless you wanted to start up in publishing and your first book is entitled "The Complete Book of Lulz".

The thing I find curious about your post is that you have no idea about what you want to do, if I read correctly, yet you want to start a business. That doesn't bode well - it suggests a lack of imagination, creativity and problem solving skills which you will need buckets of when building your business as you will encounter no end of problems along the way to making a consistent and successful living.

However, if you are to stand a hope in hell of making a successful business I would look at what you both are good at and have experience of plus enjoy doing. You will at least have a feel of the industry and not look like complete amateurs to your customers. For instance, while running a luxury watch manufacturing business might sound like a great idea, selling timepieces for £10k each, unless you have a good understanding of horology and the industry, you won't stand a hope in hell of selling any single product for more than £10.

You say you're studying International Trade Law and your friend is studying Tourism. Perhaps you can marry the two up and help businesses in America and Europe connect with businesses in your country (your profile says Iran). It might not be done already (I would be surprised) but your competitors would be businesses that already do this for Chinese suppliers (suppriers?).

Good luck... you'll need it!
Affairs (also known as a company or a company) is an organization engaged in trade in goods, services, or both, to consumers.Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned, and gives a lot to earn profit to increase their respective owners. Companies can also be non-profit or government owned. The company owned more than one person can refer to the company, although the term is also a more precise meaning.
Take a look around you - and what dya see ?

Nothing ? Then look again. The successful entrepreneur finds his niche he/she can be successful in. Maybe Eastern style cosmetics for women and even men. Archeology is a winner surely - if the place is safe to visit.

A yearly sand castle competition - loads of sand in your part of the globe ?

scuba diving/water sports off the coast ?

weel there must be something
