Serious problems with IG INDEX

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Hello all,
The following is a detailed account of my trading period on 14th October, giving appropriate times and actions taken: -
13.14. I opened a position to buy the Wall Street daily cash at a value of 9748 at £5 per point, with a 20 point stop at 9728,
13.15 I was “stopped out”, and had £100 debited from my account.
I examined the chart and realised that the price had not reached 9728, so I called the dealing desk to query this event.
The dealing desk must have been very busy at the time as my first call was not answered and I was disconnected.
13.26 Having called back I spoke to a member of staff and explained to him the specifics of the problem plus a further deal which I believed I had been “stopped out” incorrectly. I then passed on the details of both and was promised a call back immediately.
This call was logged on my system at 13.26 and at a time when the price was approximately 9780, affording me a potential profit of 32 points or £160
It took 19 minutes for IG to get back to me and during that time I could clearly see the price rise to a high of 9898 at 13.41, or up 150 points or £750
13.45 IG called me and told me that the deal would be reinstated within the next 10 minutes and that I would be credited with £45 for a further stop error, yet again a 45 point error.
The price was at this time approximately 9860, up 112 points, or £560 and I patiently waited as my dealing screen was refreshing to note at what point my trade would be put back on, without any sign of this happening.
14.45 Thirty minutes after I had been advised that my Trade would be reinstated it was not and the price was now approximately 9800, up 52 points or £260.
14.46 I contacted IG again to find out what was going on and on speaking with an other dealer was advised that my message would be passed on
This dealer also advised me that the price was now 9662, down 86 points from my opening position
15.25 I called and spoke to another dealer, I explained the ensuing situation to this dealer in some detail and underlined that if my initial position had not been taken out in error by the system, then I would have followed the price, setting a manual stop along the way.
The price moved 150 points from my entry, and as I would have followed it with a stop I am certain that I would have achieved at least 100 points profit, at £5 a point which equals £500.
16.00 Still on the telephone with this dealer, the error on was admitted without reservation and I was offered a compensation payment of £100, which under the circumstances I felt was nothing short of an insult.
Having been a loyal customer for many years I believed that under these circumstances, where the fault was admitted by IG, I was rightly prepared at that time to accept £700 compensation, or 140 points of the 150 point move.
I was advised that the maximum compensation would be £100, which I then refused to accept.
During this time I was also advised that by the time of attempting to reinstate my deal it was already below my stop, so there had been no point.
It should be noted that the price did not reach my stop until 14.39. 85 minutes after i opened the position
From my initial call at 13.26, and making IG aware of the problem, to 13.45 when IG called me and admitted an error had occurred and the deal would be reinstated, 19 minutes passed. I am now at a loss to understand why, once the error has been admitted by IG it was not reinstated immediately.
How many other bets have been stopped out incorrectly, unnoticed by the client, but obviously very profitable for IG
I have traded shares, currencies and index's for over 10 years, and never have i been stopped out incorrectly
I feel that IG Index, use every method available to them to 'steal' your money
does anybody else have any similar experiences with these thieves?
My next course of action is to complain through their compliance officer and following that the FSA
your comment would be appreciated
If what you say is true, then this is totally unacceptable. I personally have never heard of this happening before and have made many thousands of trades with SB's throughout the last 4 years.

It would be good for everyone if you could post the email they sent you to confirm the error so that everyone can see for themselves exactly what has happened here.

I'm sure you'll understand that we only have one side to the story here, however, if what you say is true then you should have a case to claim a good value of compensation, of course, it's hard to pay out compensation on something that is 'with hindsight'. It would be interesting to know how this story unfolds.

Keep us updated.
I examined the chart and realised that the price had not reached 9728, so I called the dealing desk to query this event.

When something similar happened to me, IG's response was that the charts don't necessarily reflect the prices quoted, so it's fairly amazing they admit they even made a mistake. Try to get that in writing, though, and I think you may be disappointed.
charts are 'indications' of price. the deal price is what counts. the deal price spins around a lot more than the charts. the best i would hope for is a breakeven refund and scratch the trade. ig prices jump around a lot more than say cs that tend to 'plod' around. swings and roundabouts. i too would be surprised if they said the chart price is the real price.
Sorry to hear about your expieance.
Unfortunatly this will happen many times through out your time as a custermer at and Spread Betting firms. Indeed you have just had a taste of what you got comming if you continue to deal with these Firms.

This had happened to 1000s of others.

Its simply another example of how SB firms work.
Hi Oiltanker,
So where would you think there data is comming from that runs the charts ?
Answer the Futures Market ?
So there pricing/quote policy can be maniulated around the futures price by the use of (fair value) that is what they call it, it so so happends when they do this that is where custermers stops are.:-0

Nice work IG

Yet another SB firm shows its true colours👎🙄
traders know where retail investors are likely to put stops and so they hunt them. Anyone who knows the COT doesn't believe in conspiracy. the evidence of what is going on is in the cot charts.

sbs offer a tax free service that allows people to play the markets. to compare them with taxable direct markets is a false comparison of value. dma has its own problems.
Hey Tax Issues dont come in to it M8
Do you really think USA DA brokers care aboout the UK TAX system ?

So you think if the low of the day is say 8500 and SB Firm quote 8990 this is fair ?
if one is in the uk tax does come into it. if not then why rage against sbs?

what is important is market structure. if the chart looks the same then what does it matter about what the numbers are. the potential to trade is still there.

if one looks at the terms and conditions for trading with say interactive brokers it doesn't look cheap to me. its for a different type of trader.

to pretend s/b are the same thing as IB etc is misleading people. If you go to the CS seminars they set out very clearly what they do.

with sb there is no tax, you are not buying anything so will not take delivery of oil or gold or whathaveyou , the costs are up front in the spread [no commissions, monthly fees, slippage etc], some offer guaranteed stops etc.
Firstly I don't go with any of this nonsense - I would have been this much in profit - for all IG know you could have closed the trade for £50 profit. So saying my trade "would have been" £700 in profit doesn't wash. You could have also held on and been stopped out later.

The have offered you £100 free. Which in my view is acceptable compensation - they have admitted their mistake which does happen from time to time. Expecting 93% of a move from entry to peak is ridiculous.

Also why is such a fuss being made over ONE trade? How about all the other ones you've made - the other 95%+? Were they trying to rob you then?
Hmmmm, not really an argument to simply say since it cannot be prooved, you should just take the compensation and shut up! Sometimes it CAN be shown that the trade was supposed to have been closed at x exact time, and fromthe charts you can see it never hit that price at all until several periods later.

It's also not an acceptable argument to say that its only one trade that went wrong, so I should just accept it. I don't care whether its 1 mistake out of 100 good trades, or 1 out of 100000 good, its still money lost that should NOT have been lost. And that matters, especially if its a non-negligible amount! Its the fault of the broker.

Unfair tactics.
Hmmmm, not really an argument to simply say since it cannot be prooved, you should just take the compensation and shut up! Sometimes it CAN be shown that the trade was supposed to have been closed at x exact time, and fromthe charts you can see it never hit that price at all until several periods later.

It's also not an acceptable argument to say that its only one trade that went wrong, so I should just accept it. I don't care whether its 1 mistake out of 100 good trades, or 1 out of 100000 good, its still money lost that should NOT have been lost. And that matters, especially if its a non-negligible amount! Its the fault of the broker.

Unfair tactics.

Where was your stop, what product was it on and what time was it apparently triggered?