Series 3 Commodites exam



My name is William and I am studying for my series 3 exam to be a commodities introducing broker (IB) and trading advisor .

I trade for a living the commodities markets but have decided to be a broker to get some steady income and to increase my knowledge.

Has anyone else on this board taken the series 3 exam or any advice to give?

Im looking to take my series 7 after I take this exam.

Im english but I love trading the american capital markets.

Nice to meet you all.


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I have not done Series 3 but Series 32 is easy, at least compared to the FSA equivalent. You will need FSA regs also if you want to broke in UK and this is actually far more work than the NFA stuff.

GoldersGreen said:

My name is William and I am studying for my series 3 exam to be a commodities introducing broker (IB) and trading advisor .

I trade for a living the commodities markets but have decided to be a broker to get some steady income and to increase my knowledge.

Has anyone else on this board taken the series 3 exam or any advice to give?

Im looking to take my series 7 after I take this exam.

Im english but I love trading the american capital markets.

Nice to meet you all.


The windy city...

Thanks for your info, much appreciated.

Im looking to move to Chicago or New York for a couple of years to further my learning.

The Series 32 looks interesting.

Did you find it useful for your job?



twalker said:
I have not done Series 3 but Series 32 is easy, at least compared to the FSA equivalent. You will need FSA regs also if you want to broke in UK and this is actually far more work than the NFA stuff.
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It was essential for my Job as I trade US allocated funds.