Sergey Kovalyov’s Book Is Now Downloadable!

Lenar Fatkhullin

Junior member
MetaQuotes Software Corp. announces placing a downloadable version of Sergey Kovalyov’s book Programming in Algorithmic Language MQL4 on the website of The book is published in the Windows Help File (CHM) format, and it can be downloaded to be studied offline.

As its title suggests, the book is devoted to programming in MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4). The manual is written in a simple and clear language and intended for both novices and experienced traders. Once having studied the book, you will be able to start developing your own Expert Advisors, technical indicators, and scripts.

Sergey Kovalyov’s book has already been published on Today we are publishing it as a separated file to be downloaded free of charge:

Participating in the author’s efforts to create this book, our company did their best to assist everybody with mastering of automated trading. We are highly interested in that the book turns out to be helpful for as many traders as possible. If you run your own website or blog, we would appreciate if you could place on it this book or a link to its downloadable version on our site.

URL-link code for downloading Sergey Kovalyov's Book from

  • <a href="" target="_blank">Sergey Kovalyov's Book on Programming in Algorithmic Language MQL4</a> (2 Mb)
  • <a href="" target="_blank">Cергей Ковалев, "Программирование на алгоритмическом языке MQL4"</a> (2 Mb)

Book Publication Terms and Conditions:
  • The rightholder of the book is MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • The book is distributed free of charge.
  • The book cannot be modified under any circumstance when being published.
  • It is prohibited from extracting (decompiling) parts or texts of the book and publishing them on the internet, or other websites or even the press and media.

We highly appreciate placing on your website the book itself or a link to download it from our site.
Thanks for this book,

Generaly its ok BUT it have some errors 😡

Check this
MQL4 Book -> Simple Programs in MQL4 -> Simple Expert Advisor

Go to "Programming Details" section

you will find there this part of code:
// Preliminary processing   
if(Bars > Period_MA_2)                       // Not enough bars     
    Alert("Not enough bars in the window. EA doesn't work.");        
    return;                                          // Exit start()                              

Of course it should be "<" instead of ">" whole code is messed up! and I know why,
because author pasted code to some html editor which replaced all ">" and "<" with ">" and "&lt" chars :whistling Aloso "&&" opertaor is messed up.

I wonder what beginner programmer will think when he see "Bars > Period_MA_2", probably: WTF ? why ? I don't understand!

I konw I can to go directly on the site but I wan to download the bokk file I can not...
I like to work with an hard paper copy...

If you can help me ....
thank you