yeah, but I'd think about it as Ln(Friday/Thursday); mathematically Identical, but it seems to make more sense, if you think about it.
so the two types of return you could have are simple:
geometric return = (Friday - Thursday) / Thursday
Log return = Ln(Friday/Thursday)
using the log change means we are now talking about continuously compounded returns, rather than simple geometric returns.
then the minimum variance hedge ratio (h*) is;
Correltation of (A and B log returns) * (standard deviation of A log returns / Standard deviation of B log returns).
FWIW, you can then do some more sums to find out how effective this hedge is going to to be:
[(h*)^2 ] * (variance log returns A / variance log returns B) ; that is, the proportion of the variance that eliminated by hedging. I guess you could vary the ratio h* to suit your own propensity for risk - I mean, you don't want a perfect hedge or you will wipe out your profits, so find out what h* is for the perfect hedge, then go above or below depending on which stock you thought would outperform the other - then find out the hedge effectiveness with this new ratio to see how far you can move away the ideal ratio without taking on too much risk (where hardly any of the variance in the "long stock" is hedged by the "short stock").
Also, be careful about the time series you use to compare data series; it might be a better idea, say, if you have 100 days of daily returns, to do the regression etc... 5 times with periods of 20 days data each, and average the results. It depends on how long you are looking to play the trade for I guess (in this case, you would be looking to run the trade for 20 days).
Have to say though, don't trade equities, so take all this with a pinch of salt.
EDIT: Just had a thought; maybe you should be thinking about Beta etc... instead of / as well as above