Search for a Post Function not working


Legendary member
Searching for a bunch of posts which I know exist using the 'Discussion/Search for a Post" function only returned a partial list of those posts qualifying the search criteria.

On checking manually, the 'missing' posts are still on the thread, but not being picked up by the search function.

I suspect t2w is a little off colour at present and will assume these issues (re-logins, GIFs not being expanded, search function failure) are all part and parcel of the same problem.
TheBramble said:
Searching for a bunch of posts which I know exist using the 'Discussion/Search for a Post" function only returned a partial list of those posts qualifying the search criteria.

On checking manually, the 'missing' posts are still on the thread, but not being picked up by the search function.

I suspect t2w is a little off colour at present and will assume these issues (re-logins, GIFs not being expanded, search function failure) are all part and parcel of the same problem.

I'd like to duplicate this, so can you please give me an example of where the search fails?

Just done a search on all my psosts in ascending order post option, not thread.

Gives 20 pages and the last post back in March this year.

Not quite right....
When you search posts, there is a limit of 500 results. If you search for posts by date ascending, you will get the 500 oldest posts. If you search by date descending, you will get the 500 most recent posts.

So your search only returns your first 500 posts 🙂

This has been the case since the upgrade to the new forum, and is not related to the Saturday morning maintenance.
Great, but try this on a memebr with less than 500 posts (which I did earlier) and you still don't get all the posts.